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List of Killed and Wounded in Company F (Capt. Kirk) 105th Pa Reg

Transcribed from the Indiana Democrat June 19, 1862

List of Killed and Wounded in Co.
F. (Capt. Kirk) 105th Pa. Reg.
James Crock, Joseph Hill,
Lewis Findley, Wm. Wilson.

Capt. R. Kirk, George Young,
Joseph Taylor, George Hall,
Washington Hoover, John Hines,
John N. Vanhorn, Peter Spencer,
John Miller, Charles Gill,
David Willard, Ogg Neel,
Thomas Anderson, Henry Depp.

John Smith, James O. Brien.

List of kiled and wounded in Co. K.
(Capt. Thomson) 105th Pa. Reg.

Corp. C. S. Adair, Sergt. B. Sylvis,
Sergt. T. R. Patterson.

Capt. Thomson, Joseph Anderson,
Jacob Baker, John Bothell,
Josiah Henry, Thos. Hudspath,
John Kuhns, John M'Gaughey,
Benj. Elwinde, Isaac Miller,
John Miller, J. H. Peelor,
J. J. Shields, G. J. Snyder,
Y. M. Turney.

The above list are correct, having been
obtained from the captains of the companies.

105th PA REG

Keywords/Tags: 105th PA REG, James Crock, Joseph Hill, Lewis Findley, William Wilson,Captain R Kirk, George Young, Joseph Taylor, George Hall, Washington Hoover, John Hines, John N Vanhorn, Peter Spencer, John Miller, Charles Gill, David Willard, Ogg Neel, Thomas Anderson, Henry Depp, John Smith, James O Brien, Captain Thomson, Corporal C S Adair, Sergeant B Sylvis, Sergeant T R Patterson, Joseph Anderson, Jacob Baker, John Bothell, Josiah Henry, Thomas Hudspath, John Kuhns, John McGaughey, Benjamin Elwinde, Isaac Miller, John Miller, J H Peelor, J J Shields, G J Snyder, Y M Turney