Rev War Records

Revolutionary War

Compiled Unit Service Records and other resources.

We have begun adding compiled service records for individual veterans!

We are having issues with our current hosting service that may cause some images not to display. See the Update and Problem Log for more info.

Civil War Records

U.S. Civil War

Articles, Unit Service Records, and other resources pertaining to the War of the Rebellion.

PA Death Index

Death Certificate Indexes

Browsable New York Death Index.
Searchable index to Pennsylvania Death Certificates. Includes resources for using the pdf index from the the PA State Archives.

We are having issues with our current hosting service that may cause images not to display. See the Update and Problem Log for more info.

Books, newspapers, wills, articles, obituaries, etc

Misc Records by State/County

Obituaries, newspaper articles, book excerpts, and other resources of genealogical and/or historical value.

Who We Are

Connecting Researchers and records...

Historica works with researchers toget them the resources they need.

Historica Research and Records is a genealogical and historical research organization that helps make research faster and easier in the digital millennium. Visit our main site to see how Historica can help.

What happened to and

  • Record Hunter used to be maintained by Cambria Media & Research at Historica acquired both CM&R sites ( and and has merged all of the resources into our sites. We support Record Hunter through advertising revenue earned on the site.