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Visit Historica to search over 100 indexes to 1 Million+ birth, death, marriage, obituary, estate, naturalization and military service records. Searching is free, we offer digital copies of the indexed documents for $10 and items are usually delivered within 24 hours.

Update, Revision, and Problem Reports Log

Additions and Updates

April, 2017: converted and moved to
20 April 2017: Additional WWI Veteran photos added from Westmoreland County, PA. About 3,000 records.
20 April 2017: Name search database updated.


April 2017: No planned revisions.

Problem Reports and Status

April 2017: No problems reported.
28 August 2019: Our web hosting provider decided that we were using too much disk space on our unlimited hosting plan and forced us to remove all Revolutionary War service record images as well as all NY Death Index images. We are working on a solution. During the duration, we are offering digital images of the service records for $5 per 20 pages through Historica. February 2021: The majority of Revolutionary War regimental service record images have been restored. We are still working to correct issues with individual service records and World War I photos. March 2021: We have added Revolutionary War unit service records for Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

We are working to correct formatting issues on some pages. Image linking issues with Virginia Rev War records have been resolved. Added individual Revolutionary War service records for Georgia Troops.