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Letter from Captain Creps, 61st PA Volunteers

Transcribed from the Indiana Democrat June 19, 1862

Letter from Captain Creps.
CAMP 61st Regt. P.V.,}
June 4, 1862.}

Mr Editor:-- I here give you a report of
Co. A. 61st Regiment, after the battle of Fair
Oaks Station, Va., May 31st, 1862, which you
will please publish for the benefit of the
friends of the unfortunate soldiers.

Lieut. John Pollock, wounded seriously.
Lieut. G. W. Brady, wounded slightly.
Third Serg't B. F. Rolland, missing.
Fifth Serg't A. T. Brewer, wounded in the
Corporal Wm. Weaver, wounded. Died
June 3.
Corporal Lemuel Brady, wounded in the
Corporal Andrew Pierce, wounded in the


A. B. McQuown, killed in the battle
Benjamin Neil, killed in battle.
C. W. Cesna, killed in battle.
John Short, killed in battle.
E. W. Fairbanks, killed in battle.
J. E. Allison, wounded in the thigh
P. V. Brady, wounded in the arm.
Hugh Brady, wounded in the arm.
J. G. Crawford, wounded in the side arm
and foot.
M. M. Davis, wounded in the hip seriously.
D. A. Lockart, wounded in the arm.
T. M. Moore, wounded in the thigh.
Luther Richards, wounded in the thigh
and ancle.
Joseph Rager, wounded in the head serious-
J. D. Spence, wounded in the shoulder
Wm. Shaffer, wounded in the arm.
J. H. Work, wounded in the shoulder.
Alexander Walker, wounded in the arm.
P. M. Brewer, wounded in the arm.
James Donahue, wounded in the side. Died
June 2.
T W. Kinter, missing.
O. A. Ellis, Missing.

There are a great many more slightly
wounded, but have returned with the Com-
pany and are now on duty.


Captain Creps, 61st Regiment PA Volunteers

Keywords/Tags: Captain Jacob Creps, 61st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Battle of Fair Oaks Station Virgnia, Lieutenant John Pollock, Lieutenant G W Brady, Third Sergeant B F Rolland, Fifth Sergeant A T Brewer, Corporal William Weaver, Corporal Lemuel Brady, Corporal Andrew Pierce, A B McQuown, Benjamin Neil, C W Cesna, John Short, E W Fairbanks, J E Allison, P V Brady, Hugh Brady, J G Crawford, M M Davis, D A Lockart, T M Moore, Luther Richards, Joseph Rager, J D Spence, William Shaffer, J H Work, Alexander Walker, P M Brewer, James Donahue, T W Kinter, O A Ellis