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themselves. No better proof of the above facts can be obtained than from the various regular army officers who had a chance to witness its actions. In 1904 the Regular Major who was acting as umpire during the summer manoeuvers reported that:

"This Battery must be considered an excellent militia organization. I venture to say that a month's actual experience in the field including opportunities for target practise would make it the equal of any regular Battery in the service."

Speaking of its personnel, he said:

"In time of war they should be looked upon as available material for commissions in the artillery."

In the report of another inspecting officer there is the following extract:

"I can say unhesitatingly that this is the best militia field battery that I have ever observed."

In fact the chief criticism that most army officers made was that:

"The enlisted personnel would be too good to hold together in case of war. They are far superior to their rank in mental, physical and professional qualifications."

In 1916, when the call came to go to the Mexican Border, the Battery found a real chance for demonstrating its ability and its efficiency under actual field conditions; and there, as heretofore, the government reports proved that its high standards of excellency were being well maintained.

Upon the return from the border most of the members of the Battery, benefiting by their recent training, either tried for commissions at Plattsburg and


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