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that night while we waited there for over an hour. The drivers stood by their horses' heads. The cannoneers—just waited, as shell after shell "zinged" by and burst barely ten yards beyond. The sunken road saved us. That and nothing else prevented heavy casualties. Information now arrived that the Boche had counter-attacked and our Infantry were retreating—not advancing. We therefore quickly pulled back to our former position and again "lay" on our old barrages.

                On July 23 the situation did not change. Our guns combed the wooded slopes beyond Epieds, while our drivers brought in caisson after caisson of ammunition from the dump near La Saccerie Farm. Late in the afternoon a report that enemy tanks were operating near La Gouttiere Farm between Bezu-St. Germain and Epieds, brought out a heavy concentration of artillery but nothing serious developed.

                At length, on July 24, the Infantry finally managed to dislodge the enemy and drive him back. We started forward along the Bethune-Chateau Thierry Highway and then we swung to the northeast through Bezu, St. German and Epieds. Dead Americans and Germans on every side gave evidence of the savageness of the fighting that had preceded us. Our headway was very slow, as traffic was badly tied up in Epieds. Four roads met in this town, and no less than three regiments of Infantry and three regiments of Artillery were trying to get through at the same time, from different directions. It would have been a wonderful opportunity for the enemy's artillery, but luckily our aeroplanes were supreme and no Boche






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