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got a chance to see what was happening. Then again, the enemy was so busy trying to pull back his own guns that he had little chance to harass us.

                The jam finally became so serious that General Edwards, General Aultman and General Lassiter were all in the square together trying to straighten out the tangle. Finally we got through, to take up a position between Courpoil and Epieds near some fine old German dugouts. Unfortunately the 111th Infantry of the 28th Division who had come in to help relieve our Infantry, were camped in the same wood. It was their first trip to the front. They evidently did not realize the danger of smoke, for it seemed as if every other man had started a fire to cook some food for himself. Great clouds of smoke arose. We expected to be shelled at any time.

                In the meantime our Infantry had pushed on to the Forest of Fere when they again met stiff opposition near the Croix-Rouge Farm. They were completely exhausted by their terrific night and day work of the past few days, and were fighting on their nerve alone. The 111th and 112th infantry of the 28th Division relieved them for a brief period, but they in turn were soon relieved by the 42nd Division. The Artillery and Engineers kept on. They were des­ tined to support four divisions: the 26th, 28th, 42nd and 4th.

                This Epieds position was a busy one during the two days that we were here. We combed the woods beyond the Croix Rouge Farm again and again. We fired several long rolling barrages through them, but nevertheless the Infantry was making little head­







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