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life, building up the bodies and spirits of men and animals alike. There was grooming, equitation, mounted drill, foot drill, gun drill, telephone, signal and instrument practice, and problems in reconnaissance. A school was established in the village schoolhouse where lectures were given on the different specialists' work. For one day the Battery took part in maneuvers for instruction in cooperation with aeroplanes. Frequent after-supper strolls were taken to Mussy, which was a fairly large town. In short, our lives, before so haphazard and unregulated, were shaken down into a beneficial routine.

                Our happiness was complete when leaves of absence of seven days were granted to the first ten per cent, of the Battery. The lucky men borrowed "doggie" clothes from their friends and prepared to start for a week's fun. On August 27 an order came! "All leaves are cancelled: be ready to move without warning." At 6 P. M. August 30 the river mist from the Seine rolled in whisps over the deserted picket line and camp site, while the Battery moved with a mechanical pace through Pothieres and Bouix, to Poincon, where it entrained again for the front.




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