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to keep them out of reach of hungry horses' teeth.

                Late in the afternoon we were told to be ready to move that night. Tents were struck, saddle-bags and haversacks packed, and all put in order to leave at the first sign of darkness.

                After an all-night march through many small villages over good roads, we arrived, just as it was growing light, at a group of woods near Longchamps. Here again all carriages were camouflaged under thick trees. Horses were fed and rubbed down. Mess-call soon sounded, like "a good deed in a naughty world", and the men fell in for breakfast; then rolled up in their blankets to make up a little lost sleep. With the exception of watering horses and eating two more meals, nothing else was done all day.

                At dusk the Battery started out on another all-night hike, which abounded in tiresome halts, for the entire Regiment was in the column of march. Toward morning we passed a lighted sign reading "VER­ DUN" : every man in the Regiment saw that sign,— and wondered.

                We, however, turned off to the left, following a side road for some four kilometers, and halted at a wood. Word was passed along the column that we had arrived. As we moved again, a hill was seen on the right, and the drivers were told to be ready for a hard pull. We turned up a steep road into more woods, and finally, after much pulling and pushing by the horses and the cannoneers, we came into a small clearing at the top. It was still quite dark under the heavy foliage, but there was light enough in the open






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