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planned against St. Hilaire, and the plans called for a schedule of fire which could be executed only from a position far out on the plain between Wadonville and Saulx. When it is remembered that there was practically no front line at this point, but only small patrols between the towns, it will be seen that the proposition of taking position out there promised much in the way of rough and tumble with the inquisitive Boche patrols. Both drivers and cannoneers not only cleaned their pistols and borrowed loaded clips from whoever was not going, but indulged in a little unauthorized target practice to make sure they worked. By 9 P. M. the guns were snaked out of the pits, limbered, and ready to join the caissons on the road.

                The kilometer and a half was accomplished with­ out incident. The horses were sent back, camouflage nets were stretched over the guns and ammunition, and both machine-guns were set up with a wide field of fire to the front. Before 10 o'clock, the 2nd Platoon was firing a short preparation. A green rocket from the Infantry was to be the signal for one prepared barrage. The 2nd Platoon ceased fire, and everyone sat straining their eyes for the green rocket. They sat and sat. Pretty soon it started to rain, and developed into a downpour. Very few of the men had slickers, and before long everybody was wet to the skin. At 2.30 A. M. they were still sitting with their eyes glued on the place the green rocket was supposed to show. Then some of G Company of the 102nd Infantry came past and explained that their plan to meet the other detachment approaching the


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Chateau-Thierry Sector

Battery A 101st Field Artillery Verdun

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