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launch a big attack and move forward at once. Gloom!

                On the sixth the rumor of a relief around November 10; and the Boche shelled us for several hours, cutting three telephone lines.

                The Seventh brought news that the attack was not to take place. Joy!

                The next day we heard from the French that an armistice would come into effect at fifteen o'clock. Immediately afterwards we received orders to pack up and be ready to move forward at once. The rear echelons of the entire Regiment moved up from Baleicourt to Charny, a good deal as a measuring- worm gathers up his behind end under him before stepping out in front. A reconnoisance party was sent forward to pick positions. At dusk the reconnaisance party was recalled and no move took place.

                The morning of the next day, November 9, the attack started, but we heard that the Infantry advance was slow. Nevertheless, by nightfall we were all packed up and prepared to pull forward in the wake of the Second Battalion which we heard had already passed the old Boche front line. Again we did not move.

                On the tenth Ave men went away on seven-day-leave, the first since the Division had been in France. This day was particularly rich in rumors. The first one was that our failure to move forward last night was due to the Second Battalion's being stuck in the mud on the only available road, but that they had been pulled out by teams of our horses, and that we were to move before midnight. Groans! The second was that



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