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tramped on, the next day, uphill and down, passing the villages of Gery, Loisey and Culey and at last, as we mounted a long steep rise, the towers of Guerpont and Tronville appeared on our left. We were on familiar ground now, for it was at Tronville that we detrained on our way to St. Mihiel; in front of us lay Tannois where we had spent one night on our way to the drive. Guerpont was our objective, and noon found the Battery busily settling down in its new home, and looking hopefully in the direction of the kitchen.

                Guerpont was by far the largest town that we had seen for months. It boasted three streets, a huge church and numerous cafes and stores, all the latter in a fairly prosperous condition.

                Our stay there was the pleasantest period of life that the Battery had experienced for a long time. We drilled a little and rested a great deal, our chief task being to make up the back arrears of sleep lost in the past nine months.

                Thanksgiving time came with all its memories of New England and bygone feasts at home, so the Battery set out to make this Thanksgiving one that would long be remembered. Trips were made to Toul, to Bar-le-Duc, even to Nancy, in search of sup­ plies for the feast that was to come. Soon the humble cook shack began to resemble a country store; turkeys hung from the rafters, dangling like immense pendulums over the busy cooks; barrels of vegetables lurked in dark corners, while spices and flavoring of all kinds littered the shelves. The great day came.


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