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ebbed and flowed accordingly. Our chief dread now was to be sent to the concentration camp at Le Mans to be de-cootie-ized and otherwise purified. For there, robbed of all creature comforts, we should dwell in draughty tents in a sea of mud, and go through unheard-of tortures and humiliation to be cleansed of our unwelcome but persistent visitors. Rumor, on this score, pointed to the Le Mans camp as an absolute certainty, but was erratic in regard to the date.

                The regiment stretched every nerve in an effort to be cootie-less before the day of our final departure. Each battery set up its private cootie-bath establishment, and the men went through the cleansing process over and over again. Informal inspections were held, and soon reports began to drift in that such and such a battery had only five men who still suffered from friend cootie; that so many sections of a certain battery were absolutely "clean," and so on. It began to develop into a sort of competition, and as usual, A Battery was well to the front.

                Rumors of a gigantic review of the entire Division to take place near Ecommoy, some eight kilometers away, were soon confirmed in orders which gave the added information that the review would be for the benefit of General Pershing. Naturally, following the receipt of this order, the entire 51st Brigade indulged in a great number of practice reviews, the men appearing with packs and steel helmets. Everyone participated, even the football players, who, rooted out of a life of peace and meditation, were flung back into the menial maelstrom of foot-drill.


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