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march. Far off on the right could be perceived a slight motion, then before we realized it, the whole Division moved, forming rapidly into a huge thick column, a rustling drab carpet of round helmets and coldly shining bayonets. As each regiment passed the reviewing stand, it broke into a brisk run, swept up over a bank and vanished on the other side, wave after wave surging and breaking over the grassy barrier. The review was over.

                A day or so after the review, rifles were issued, a calamity which had hung over us for weeks. Put­ ting two and two together, the pessimists slunk about commiserating with anyone who would listen: "Well sure go to Germany now; tough luck after getting orders to go home!"

                As usual, events didn't follow rumor at all, and on we stayed, learning the manual of arms, trying to do "Squads right" without awkward entanglements of firearms on the part of the front and rear ranks. In the intervals when we were not drilling, we hunted the elusive cootie, who was fast becoming a minus quantity, and spent pleasant hours in the cafes or with our French friends. The inhabitants of Mayet were a little distant when we first entered the town, the situation being much like that at Gery. Before we left, however, we were on as intimate a footing with the inhabitants as we had been at Varennes.

                As the middle of March approached, rumors materialized into orders, vague at first, but more and more definite as the days went on. Embarkation officers inspected our equipment, rifles were turned in, and a concentrated drive was launched against the

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