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dared dream of: spring beds, mattresses, electric lights, steam-heat, hot water, a mess-hall and kitchen on the first floor, showers in an out-building not a dozen feet away. This was a good war now, we decided.

                Little attempt was made at any work till the week before the Divisional Review, which was scheduled for the 22nd of April, when we brushed up on foot drill and put our equipment in order.

                The Divisional Review at Devens was much like that at Ecommoy, and was regarded throughout the Battery as a decided bore. Remembering, however, that it was New England's first glimpse of its own division en masse, we suffered through as best we could, standing in column of batteries while the colors were decorated. The final breakup, impressive as it must have been to the on-lookers, was to us only a sign that one monotonous and irksome task was out of the way. Now to get that confounded thing to look forward to, our discharges on that magic day, the twenty-ninth of April.

                The Division Parade turned out to be more or less of a trial for us. We struggled out of bed at the unholy hour of four and were finally packed on trains by eight o'clock. All the way down to Boston our journey was enlivened by train boys selling cigarettes, candy, etc. Whenever one of the unfortunates ventured into a car, he was greeted by a shout of "Normal Barrage," and subjected to a vigorous shower of miscellaneous objects. Deeply grieved, he would pass on, hoping for kinder treatment in the next car.

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