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JULY 25, 1917 —APRIL 29, 1919


ABBOTT, JOSEPH I. Enlisted March 15, 1917. Corporal, June 3, 1917. Sgt., May 3, 1918. Mess Sgt., Nov. 12, 1918. Sgt., Feb. 3, 1919. Home address, Hotel Canterbury, Boston, Mass.


AGNEW, HARRISON P. Enl. Apr. 8, 1918. Assgd. to Btry., Nov. 16, 1918. Home address, 624 3rd St., Council Bluffs, Iowa.


ALDEN, JOSEPH B. Enl. May 19, 1917. Trans, fr. Coast Artillery, Aug. 25, 1917. Pvt., 1 Cl., Nov. 12, 1918. Home address, Cherry Valley, Mass.


APOLLONIO, NICHOLAS. Enl. Apr. 8, 1917. Corp., Apr. 24, 1919. Home address, 27 Canton Ave., Milton, Mass.


ARMAGOST, CLARENCE R. Enl. Sept. 21, 1917. Assgd. to Btry., May 17, 1918. Home address, Rising City, Neb.


ARNOLD, WILLIAM C. Enl. June 4, 1917. Pvt., 1 Cl., Mar. 1, 1918. Home address, 80 Storrs Ave., Braintree, Mass.


ATKINSON, ROBT. O. Enl. Nov. 30, 1917. Assgd. to Btry., June 19, 1918. Pvt., 1 Cl., Nov. 12, 1918. Home address, Portage, Wis.


AUSTIN, HAROLD R. Enl. May 21, 1917. Pvt., 1 Cl., Aug., 1917. Home address, 175 Amory St., Jamaica Plain, Mass.


ALLEN, ROLAND E. Enl. May 10, 1917. Corp., Aug. 10, 1917. Sgt., June 3, 1918. Home address, Brewster, Mass.


BALCH, PAUL C. Enl. Apr. 26, 1917. Trans, to Hdq. Detch., 51st F. A. Brig., Apr. 15, 1918. Home address, 31 Irma Ave., Watertown, Mass.


BAILEY, JOSEPH C. Enl. May 28, 1917. Horse shoer. Home address, 30 Washburn St., Waterown, Mass.


BARBEE, OSCAR J. Enl. Sept. 19, 1917. Assgd. to Btry., May 17, 1918. Home address, Linden, Texas.


BARLOW, RICHARD B. Enl. Apr. 2, 1917. Home address, 1076 Boylston St., Boston.


BARNES, JOHN S. Enl. May 9. 1917. Corp., Aug., 1918—Nov., 1918. Home address, 33 Magnolia St., Arlington, Mass.


BARRY, WILLIAM B. Enl. Aug. 6, 1917. Pvt., 1 Cl., 1918. Evacuated to hospital and dropped from rolls, Sept. 17, 1918. Home address, 169 Mystic St., Arlington, Mass.


BATEMAN, GEORGE W., Jr. En). Sept. 1, 1917. A. W. O. L., Oct. 30, 1918. Dropped from rolls. Home address, 62 Harlow St., Arlington, Mass.


BARR, HENRY C. Enl. March 26, 1917. Trans, to Hdq. Co., 101st F. A., Aug., 1917. Home address, Bennington, N. H.


BEAL, ARCHIE H. Enl. May 11, 1917. Assgd. to Btry., July 25, 1918. Pvt., 1 Cl., Sept., 1918. Home address, 3128 Second St., Des Moines, Iowa.


BECK, ALFRED, Jr. Enl. June 1, 1916. Corp., Aug., 1917. Sgt., Dec. 20, 1917. Trans, to Saumur Art. School, July 28, 1918. Home address, Jamaica Plain, Mass.


BELT, GEORGE. Assgd. to Btry., Mar. 12, 1919. Home address, Lebanon, Ind.


BIRD, HERBERT C. Enl. July 9, 1917. Corp., Aug. 10, 1917. Home address, 29 Monmouth St., Boston, Mass.

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