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against gas. We entered the room and put on our French masks. A large amount of gas was then re­ leased. An instructor explained that the gas in the chamber was stronger than any we should ever en­ counter at the front. As we had not noticed it at all with our masks on, we felt that we had very little to fear from gas. Next each man changed to his English mask, holding his breath during the process. As soon as we found that we were equally safe with our English masks, we left the chamber. The French masks we were using were made up of a great many layers of gauze, saturated with chemicals. Two mica eyepieces gave us fair vision. The English mask, or box respirator, was very similar to the American mask, which was later issued.

Upon our return from Vailly, the guns were laid on the Moulin Rouge; that is, so pointed in range and direction that a shot should strike the Moulin Rouge. In the afternoon we gathered around the first piece, the guidon was hung up in the gun pit, a message chalked on the first shell. At 3:45 p. m., February 5, the first shot fired in action by the National Guard crashed into the German lines. The first piece Fired until its exact range and deflection for the Moulin Rouge were known, and then the other three pieces in turn were fired on the same target. The first piece gun crew which fired the first shot consisted of Sgt. James, Cpl. Abbott, Pvt. 1st class Lawrence, Pvts. Martin and Sawyer. Of these men, all but Abbott were later killed or wounded. The shell case of the first shell fired was presented to Col. Sherburne, and eventually was sent to the Governor


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