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were palatial beyond our dreams, but there was a lot of work to be done on the gun pits. The dugouts, built into the side of a ravine, were safe against anything but a direct hit by a very big shell. Although the electric lights and pictures which had once graced these dugouts had now disappeared, they still boasted tile floors, wall paper, and bunks. When all the work had been completed, "Camp Putter", as it was called, was used as a convalescent home for the Battery's invalids. Besides its luxurious dugouts, "Camp Putter's" chief points of interest were a cable conveyor for supplies, a large number of hand grenades and other explosives useful for impromptu celebrations, and the grave of Meyer, a famous German flyer.

St. Patrick's day was appropriately celebrated by a raid. The objective was the Pont Oger, a German strong point. In addition to the artillery and infantry in the raid, a detachment from Co. A of the 101st Engineers took part. Their work was to bridge a canal in No Man's Land.

March began with a snow storm. Before the snow fall had ceased, the occupants of the officers' P. C. (post of command), telephone dugout, and first platoon dugout, had moved to others in course of construction. The second piece gun crew was marooned in its gun pit. These steps were necessary to avoid giving away the locality of the position by paths in the snow. The other dugouts and gun pits could be reached from trenches where the paths did not show. In addition to these precautions, the whole Battery in single file made paths in the valley, away from any





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