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positions, to try and draw Boche fire. After three days of cold, the sun came out and quickly melted the snow. As soon as it had gone, we moved back to our regular dugouts.

The sunny weather did away with the snow but it brought the German aviators in swarms. They appeared at daylight and hung over us till long after dark. The fire of anti-aircraft and machine guns did not disturb them in the least, and the French flyers were too few in number to accomplish anything. A score of times each day the irregular drone of a German plane would come to one's ears. A moment later the "antis" and machine guns would begin firing madly, but ineffectively.

Our last days in the position were spent in "policing" it thoroughly. In other words, we carefully collected and buried all the odds and ends that had collected in the last six weeks. Our orders were that not a scrap be left that showed the position had been occupied. Every last sack of "Bull," every old letter, every piece of equipment was cleaned up. Our friends from the French 9th Battery nearby came over to say farewell, and promised to write. To them we gladly gave all the tobacco we could not carry with us.

On March 18, we pulled out from our position, arriving at Camp Landry, as the echelon had been named, shortly after midnight. Despite many difficulties, great improvement had been made there since our arrival in February. Bunks had been built in the barracks, the stables improved, and a shack for the kitchen built.



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