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tween carriage wheels and the horses fed, we fell in to be assigned our first billets. Supperless and heavily laden with equipment we marched into the dark town, and the barn each section was to occupy was designated by our billeting N. C. O.

Each and every man heaved a sigh of relief when he had thrown his blankets on that part of the straw which he had chosen as his bed, for he was tired, and "home" was once more established. More than once the feeling of destitution possessed us when we were on the road, just because there was no place on this side of the Atlantic that we could put our blankets and call home. Recently we had learned to appreciate and to count on finding safety in holes scarcely large enough for our bodies; here the contrast was so great that merely because we could open out our blankets and arrange in little convenient ways our bits of equipment, we gained a real suggestion of home!

With a spot once chosen to lay our heads and a snatch of food for a late supper, no one doubted that sleep was the only logical step.

Reveille the next morning found us in formation on the road beside the picket line, and after the horses were fed, a hungry battery made its way back to the nearby square. The rolling kitchen, located in a barnyard off the square, was the attraction. This worthy implement of war as well as peace had al­ ready for a couple of hours been belching forth volumes of smoke, and the cooks were busy urging the fire along with bacon grease, making coffee, and heating our none too delicate traveling rations.



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