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big open fireplace. Everyone began to buy straw for beds and proceeded to make himself comfortable and at home for a couple of weeks at least.

Soon each section had its secret farmhouse where eggs might be bought. News of the two canteens in the village at the foot of the hill quickly spread. Mail was to be expected at any time! We had had no mail on the road, it all having been sent ahead to await us here. How anxious we were to get it! Our barrack bags, with all the little conveniences which we had not seen since Coetquidan, were to come on the morrow. As we sat around the fire place that night and talked of all these things, and contemplated the nights of unbroken sleep with no rolling of rolls and hikes in the morning, we were contented at last!

In the morning after a good night's refreshing sleep, plans to consolidate our billet and horse lines and make them more convenient were put into operation. At the picket line, which was in the shade of a group of evenly spaced birch trees, a corral was made for the tired, underfed horses to graze, and have a bit of liberty. After dinner, our barrack bags ar­ rived but not so much happiness was derived from having them as had been expected because it was rumored that we would be allowed to go through them only and then they must again be turned in. Someone suggested the thoughts of all. "Ah-h-h. If we were staying in this burg, they'd let us keep them!"

A cloud, a black illboding cloud was gathering about us, surging on in a manner quite beyond the power of us to halt. The papers consistently brought



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