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20.38 Normal Knight Barrage, (the Boche attacked our infantry.)

20.48 Same and increase by 100 meters

21.00 Relieved by B Battery


                When B Battery relieved us we took their place in the "Flying Battalion" under Major Richardson. On the morning of May 11 we marched back again to our old echelon at Rangeval, with our four guns, nine caissons, forge and store wagon, Battery wagon, fourgon, two park wagons, water cart, ration cart, and rolling kitchen. After establishing the horse lines in the old "Brick Factory", the firing battery started forward in the dark for a reserve position about a half mile west of Mandres. What a night followed! The continuous rains of the preceding week had turned the Woevre Plains into a soft, miry morass. It was impossible to pull wagons around on anything but the best main roads. Everywhere else the wheels would sink in up to their hubs. Now the reserve position for which we were heading lay about two hundred meters from the main road, on the edge of a water- covered swamp. The only possible way to get the guns to it lay over a soft, muddy field, partially covered with water. The outlook was hopeless to start with, but an attempt had to be made. With ten horses on each gun, the sections started out at five minute intervals. The horses sank deep into the mud at every step. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th pieces almost got across but finally became hopeless, mired in an especially soft spot. The horses wallowed around until they were completely exhausted. Try as they would, no further







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