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Our Killed and Wounded at the Battle of Fair Oaks!

Transcribed from the Indiana Democrat June 15, 1862

Our Killed and Wounded at
the Battle of Fair Oaks!

The details of this terrible and fierce-
ly fought battle, are slowly coming to
hand. The loss in killed, wounded and
missing is a fearful one, and especially
have the regiments from Western Penn-
sylvania suffered severely. We give be-
low as carefully prepared list of the cas-
ualities in the 61st and 105th Regiment
as it is possible for us to obtain at this
time. It is doubltess incorrect in many

Col. McKnight escaped with a slight
bruise. Lieut-Col. Corbett is reported
Company Officers.--Killed--Captain
Dowling, of Jefferson Co,; Lieut. Carig,
Jefferson Co.; Lieut. Cumcuminsky.--
Wounded--Capt. Duff, of Jefferson Co.;
Capt. Kirk, of Indiana County.; Capt. Thomp-
son of Jefferson Co.; Capt. Greenawalt,
of Westmoreland; Lieutenant Markle, West-
moreland, and Lieut. Gaggie, of Jeffer-
son Co.
Company K. (Capt. Thompson)--Kill-
ed--Corporal Calvin Adair, Corp. Robt.
Patterson. Wounded--Thos. Husbath,
J. H. Peelor, George Snyder, Martin
Smith, J.J. Shields, John Bothell, John
McGaughy, ----- Anderson.
Thursten Silvis, of Indiana Co.; was

Col. Rippey, of Pittsburg, Lieut.-Col.
Speer, Maj. Sweet, and Adjutant Miller,
Company A, (Captain Kreps, of Indiana
Co.) Privates Weaver, Faily, Short, Mc-
Quown, J. E. Allison, McCune, Wilson
Kinter (supposed;) Wash. Cessna, Wm.
Donahoo, killed. Lieut. Pollock, wound-
ed--left at Marine Hospital, Portsmouth,
Va.; *Lieut. Brady, wounded--Privates,
*Isaac Brady *Hugh Brady, Lew Brady,
(know to be wounded but missing.)
*Alex, Walker, *Jas Crawford, (wound-
ed in four places but will recover.)
*Davis Lockard, *John Brewer, W,
Weaver, (since dead.) *Israel Spencer,
(seriously,) *James Donahoo, *Geo. B.
Mott, Joseph Rager, Van Stewart, Wm.
Shaffer, James Chambers, And. Pierce,
*Thomas Moore and Sergeant J. M.
Brewer, wounded; Segt. Roland taken
prisoner, and Alex. Moore, missing.
Those marked with a * are in the diff-
erent Hospitals in Philadelphia.
For much of the above information we
are indebted to Hon. J. K. Thompson,
who has just returned home from a visit
to Philadelphia. He visited the Hospi-
tals and reports the wounded as doing
well. We will only add that the parents
and friends of the deceased and wound-
ed soldiers have the sympathies of the en-
tire community.


The Pittsburgh Post of yesterday
gives the official list of the killed and
wounded of the 61st Regiment.
Co. A, Capt. Creps, from Indiana co.;
Pa., went into the engagement with rank
and file, 72 privates.
Killed--Wm. Weaver, corporal; A.
B. McQuown, Benj. Neal, C. W. Cessna,
Jno. Short, Wm. Donaghue, E. Fair-
banks, G. A. Ellis.
Wounded--1st Lieut. John Pollock,
2d Lieut. G. W. Brady; sergt. A. T.
Brewer; copr. Lew Brady; privates And.
Pierce, John G. Allison, Isaac Brady, H.
Brady, J. W. Brewer, J. J. Crawford,
M. M. Davis, D. A. Lukenhardt, J. M.
Moore, L Richards, J Rager, J D Spen-
cer, Wm Schaffer, J H Work, A Walk-
er, J Donaghue, G B Mott and T Ander-
Missing--B F Poland, Sergt; private

Battle of Fair Oaks, 61st Regiment PA, 105th PA REG

Keywords/Tags: Battle of Fair Oaks, 61st Regiment, 105th Regiment, Company A, Company K, Indiana County, Jefferson County, Westmoreland, Colonel McKnight, Lieutenant Colonel Corbett, Captain Dowling, Lieutenant Carig, Lieutenant Cumcuminsky, Captain Duff, Captain Kirk, Captain Thompson, Captain Greenawalt, Lieutenant Markle, Lieutenant Gaggie, Corporal Calvin Adair, Corporal Robert Patterson, Thomas Husbath, J H Peelor, George Snyder, Martin Smith, JJ Shields, John Bothell, John McGaughy, Thursten Silvis, Colonel Rippey, Lieutenant Colonel Speer, Major Sweet, Adjutant Miller, Captain Kreps, Weaver, Faily, Short, J E Allison, McCune, Wilson Kinter, Washington Cessna, William Donahoo, Lieutenant John Pollock, Lieutenant G W Brady, Isaac Brady, Hugh Brady, Lew Brady, Alex, Walker, James Crawford, Davis Lockard, John Brewer, Israel Spencer, James Donahoo, George B Mott, Joseph Rager, Van Stewart, William Shaffer, James Chambers, Andrew Pierce, Thomas Moore, Sergeant J M Brewer, Sergeant Roland, Alexander Moore, J K Thompson, Corporal William Weaver, A B McQuown, Benjamin Neal, C W Cessna, Jonathan Short, William Donaghue, E Fairbanks, G A Ellis, Andrew Pierce, John G Allison, J J Crawford, M M Davis, D A Lukenhardt, J M Moore, L Richards, J Rager, J D Spencer, William Schaffer, J H Work, A Walker, J Donaghue, G B Mott and T Anderson, B F Poland, Kintre