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Cambria County Court Proceedings

September, 1859

From the Ebensburg Alleghanian September 8, 1859

Proceedings of Court.

The Adjourned Court of last week re-
mained in session till late on Saturday
evening. A large amount of business was
disposed of. We give below the cases not
reported in our last issue:


Rex, Kemerer & Co. vs. Lewis Paul No.
164, September Term 1856. (Judgment open-
ed). Aug. 30, 1859, Jury return a verdict for

Overseers of Poor of Summerhill Tp. vs
Thomas M'Gough, Jr. No. 95, June T., 1857.
Ejectment. Sept. 1, 1859, verdict for Def't.

Luke M'Guire et al. vs. John Weakland et
al. No. 1. Sept. Term, 1857. Ejectment. Aug.
31, 1859, continued at Plff's costs.

George Weakland vs. John S. Luther. No.
110, June Term, 1858. ejectment. Sept. 2,
1859, cause reached and jury called ans sworn
who find for the Def't.

Andrew J. Rhey, for use, vs. Johnstown
Iron Company. No. 67, Sept. Term, 1858. --
Assumpsit. Sept. 3, 1859, cause reached, and
jury called and sworn, who find for Pl'ff.

Commonwealth vs. Philip Gillian. No. 91,
Sept. Term, 1857. (Judgment opened.) Sept.
3, 1859, cause reached, and jury called and
sworn, who find for the Def't., buth that he pay
the costs.

Rev. C. M. Sheehan vs. The West Brach
Insurance Company. No. 15, Dec. Term, 1858.
Assumpsit. Sept 2, 1859, continued by con-

John J. Glass vs. Patirck H. Shiels et al. --
No. 29, December T., 1858. Trespass quare
clausum fregit. Not reached.

Patrick F. Howley vs. James M'Coy. No.
80, Dec. Term, 1858. Ejectment. Not reached.

John Hughes vs. E. Glass & Co. No. 136,
December T., 1858. Appeal. Sept. 2, 1859,
continued by consent.

Richard E. Jones vs. R. P. Linton, Esq.,
Sheriff. Trespass vi et armis. Sept. 2, 1859,
continued by consent.


September Term.

The present being the first week of the
regualr September Ter,, the Court has
been engaged chiefly in the trial of crim-
inal cases, of which there is an unusually
large number. We give below, in biref,
the cases disposed of and the business done
in the severl Courts:


Sept. 6, 1859, the following accounts were
erad and confirmed nisi:

first supplemental account of Henry Kratz-
er and George M'Lane, Executors of Robert
M'Dowell, dec'd.

Account of Henry Bender, Guardian of the
minor children of Joseph Wharton, dec'd.

Account of James M'Mullen, one of the Ex-
ecutors of James K. M'Dermitt, dec'd.

Second and final account of Wm. Kittell,
Trustee to sell real estate of William Hud-
son, dec'd.

Account of Charles B. Ellis, Executor of
William H. Hamilton, dec'd.


Com'th vs. John Pearson. No. 2, June
Session, 1859. Keeping a Tippling House. --
True Bill. Sept. 5, 1859. Deft. pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $20, and costs.

Com'th vs. Jesse Paterson. No. 3, June
Sessions, 1859. Keeping a Tippling House. --
True Bill. Sept. 5, 1859, Deft. pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $20, and costs.

Com'th vs. L. S. Montgomery. No. 6, June
Sessions, 1859. Keeping a Tippling House. --
True Bill. Sept. 5, 1859, Deft. pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $20, and costs.

Com'th vs. same. No. 17, June Sessions,
1859, nolle prosequi entered on payment of
costs by Deft.

Com'th vs. Joseph Shoemaker. No. 1, Sep-
tember Sessions, 1859. Selling liquor to mi-
nor. True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859. Jury called
and sworn, who find Deft. not guilty, and that
the Prosecutor pay the costs.

Com. vs. Joseph Shoemaker. No. 2, Sept.
Sessions, 1859. Selling liquor on Sunday. --
True Bill. 5th Sept., 1859, continued.

Com'th v. George Nagle, James N. Nagle,
John Orner, John Orner, Jr., Porter Orner and
Wm. Nelais. No 3. Sept. Sessions, 1859. --
Larceny, True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859, nolle
prosequi as to James N. Nagle, and jury called
and sworn, who find George Nagle and John
Orner guilty of Larceny, and Wm. Nealis
guilty of receiving stolen goods, adn John Or-
ner, Sr. and Porter Orner not guilty. 7th
Sept., 1859 motion in arrest of judgmenth.

Com'th vs. John Muller. No. 6, Sept. Ses-
sions, 1859. Keeping a Tippling House. --
True Bill. 7th Sept., 1859. continued.

Com'th vs. L. S. Montgomery. No. 9, Sept.
Sessions, 1859. Selling Liquor on Sunday.--
Not a True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859. Wm. Kneps,
prosecutor, sentenced to pay the costs.

Com'th vs. William D. Nickelson. No. 10,
Sept. Sessions, 1859. Keeping a Tippling
House. True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859. Def't pleads
guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and

Com'th vs. Henry Schanble. No. 12 Sept.
Sessions, 1859. Keeping a Tippling House.
True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859, Def't pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $20.00 and

Com'th vs. Baltzer Kohler. No. 13, Sept.
Sessions, 1859. Def't pleads guilty, and sen-
tenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs.

Com'th us. John Ott. No. 14, Sept. Sess.,
1859. Keeping a Tippling House; True Bill;
September 6, 1859, Def't. pleads guilty, and
sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs.

Com'th vs. John Gonin. No. 15, September
Sessions, 1859; Keeping a Tipplnig House;
True Bill; Sept. 6, 1859, deft pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 and costs.

Com'th vs. John Eichensehr. No. 11, Sept.
Sessions, 1859. Selling Liquor on Sunday.
True Bill. Sept. 6, 1859. Def't: pleads guilty,
and sentenced to pay a fine of $15 and costs.

Com'th vs. George Shearn. No. 16, Sess.,
1859. Keeping a Tippling House. True Bill.
Sept. 6, 1859, Deft pleads guilty, and Sen-
tenced to pay a fine of $20, and costs.

Com'th vs. Susannah Harris. No. 17, Sept.
Sess., 1859. Keeping a Tippling House.--
True Bill, Sept. 7, 1859, continued.

Com'th vs. Isaac Smith. No. 18, Sept.
Sess., 1859. Keeping a Tippling House.--
True Bill, Sept. 7, 1859, continued.


the following persons were admitted and
sworn as citizens of the United States:--

Hugh Kernan, James Patton, Wm. Jones,
Daniel Evans, John G. Thomas, Lewis Rees,
John Williams, David Rees, George Aitz,
Augustus Donis, Frederic Rohm, John Bon-
din, John Oetine, Henry Beltz, George Eig-
art, Wm. Heverline, Robert Bain, Conrad Myer,
John King, Adam Pfoff, George Walters, Yost
Hochstein, John Leonard Firm, Wm. Dipper,
George Hersberger, Conrad Yegel, John Sei-
bel, Thomas McGovern, Peter Kerns, William
D. Williams, David Davis, George Wenkle,
John Heingart, Felix Doyle, John Henahan,
Patrick Hanahan.

The following persons declared their inten-
tions to become citizens of the Untied States:

John Davis, Owen Roberts, Wm. L. Harris,
John Edwards, James Pryce, Thomas D. Thom-
as, Samuel Davis, Thomas Edwards, John
Kriss, Conrad Lotz, Henry Hedrick, Henry
Conrad Shaffer, Thomas Watkins, Joseph Ed-
wards, Reese Jones.

A want of time and room compels us to
defer the balance of these reports until
our next issue.


Keywords/Tags: Lewis Paul, Thomas McGough Jr, Luke McGuire, John Weakland, George Weakland, John S. Luther, Andrew J. Rhey, Philip Gillian, C. M. Sheehan, John J. Glass, Patirck H. Shiels, Patrick F. Howley, James McCoy, John Hughes, Richard E. Jones, R. P. Linton, Henry Kratzer, George McLane, Robert McDowell, Henry Bender, Joseph Wharton, James McMullen, James K. McDermitt, William Kittell, William Hudson, Charles B. Ellis, William H. Hamilton, John Pearson, Jesse Paterson, L. S. Montgomery, Joseph Shoemaker, Joseph Shoemaker, George Nagle, James N. Nagle, John Orner, John Orner Jr, Porter Orner, William Nelais, John Muller, William D. Nickelson, Henry Schanble, Baltzer Kohler, John Ott, John Gonin, John Eichensehr, George Shearn, Susannah Harris, Isaac Smith, Hugh Kernan, James Patton, William Jones, Daniel Evans, John G. Thomas, Lewis Rees, John Williams, David Rees, George Aitz, Augustus Donis, Frederic Rohm, John Bondin, John Oetine, Henry Beltz, George Eigart, William Heverline, Robert Bain, Conrad Myer, John King, Adam Pfoff, George Walters, Yost Hochstein, John Leonard Firm, William Dipper, George Hersberger, Conrad Yegel, John Seibel, Thomas McGovern, Peter Kerns, William D. Williams, David Davis, George Wenkle, John Heingart, Felix Doyle, John Henahan, Patrick Hanahan, John Davis, Owen Roberts, William. L. Harris, John Edwards, James Pryce, Thomas D. Thomas, Samuel Davis, Thomas Edwards, John Kriss, Conrad Lotz, Henry Hedrick, Henry Conrad Shaffer, Thomas Watkins, Joseph Edwards, Reese Jones, Cambria County Court of Quarter Sessions, Court of Common Pleas, Cambria County, Pennsylvania, Ebensburg Alleghanian