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Departure of the Cambria Guards from Camp Wright

Transcribed from the Ebensburg Alleghanian July 25, 1861

Departure of the Cambria Guards from Camp Wright

On Tuesday the Eleventh Regiment of the Pennsylvania Reserves, which
had been stationed at Camp Wright and to which the Cambria Guards
belong, passed over the Pennsylvania Railroad eastward. Their ultimate
destination was not known, but it was supposed that they were to be led
into actual service immediately.

A large number of our citizens were at Wilmore to welcome the Guards
and to bid them God speed. The train stopped but a few minutes, scarce
long enough to allow any interchange of greetings, and again sped on
its way with its precious burden of noble souls going to do or die for
their country.

We had the pleasure of accompanying "our boys" on a portion of their
journey and were afforded the opportunity of seeing and conversing with
a majority of them. They were all in the very best health and appeared
delighted with the prospect of having a small brush with Jeff Davis'
cohorts of traitors.

We feel entirely satisfied, from an inspection of the troops
composing it, that, should the Eleventh Regiment ever be brought face
to face with the enemies of our country they will not be found wanting.
And the Cambria Guards will do nothing unworthy of the Eleventh

The entire regiment had been fully armed and uniformed prior to
leaving Camp Wright.

The following are the different companies composing the Eleventh -

Colonel - T. R. Gallagher
Lieut. Colonel - J. R. Porter
Major - S. M. Jackson
Co. A. Cambria Guards, Capt. Litzinger
Co. B. Indiana National Guards, Capt. Porter
Co. C. Dickson Guards, Capt. Louden
Co. D. Conoquenessing Rangers, Capt. Stewart
Co. E. Washington Blues (of Blairsville), Capt. Nesbit
Co. F. Independent Blues, Capt. Speer
Co. G. Union Volunteers, Capt. Birer
Co. H. Westmoreland Guards, Capt. Kisler
Co. I. Washington Blues, Capt. Spires
Co. K. Brady Guards, Capt. Brady.

Keywords/Tags: T. R. Gallagher, J. R. Porter, S. M. Jackson, Captain Litzinger, Captain Porter, Captain Louden, Captain Stewart, Captain Nesbit, Captain Speer, Captain Birer, Captain Kisler, Captain Spires, Captain Brady, Indiana National Guards, Dickson Guards, Conoquenessing Rangers, Washington Blues of Blairsville, Independent Blues, Westmoreland Guards, Washington Blues, Brady Guards, Company A, Company B, Company C, Company D, Company E, Company F, Company G, Company H, Company I, Cambria Guards, Pennsylvania Reserves, PA Reserves, Eleventh Regiment, 11th Regmiment, Camp Wright, Ebensburg Alleghanian