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Conrad Hippie

Revolutionary War Vet Obituary

Extracted from
The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, Volume 38, January 1, 1914
pages 443-60

[The following obituary notices of officers and privates who
served in the Continental Line and Militia of Pennsylvania during
the Revolution have been collected from the newspapers of Montgomery

Conrad Hippie.-Departed this life on Sunday morning last, the 17 day of
June, in the 78 year of his age. Mr. Conrad Hippie was one of the oldest
citizens of the Borough. . . . He served his country in the Continental
army and received an honorable discharge at the termination of his meritorious
services. He sleeps the sleep of death. May his mortal soul be numbered
among those who enjoy the blessings of a merciful Saviour.
-Norristown Register, June 20,1838.

[Conrad Hippie's name appears on the Depreciated Pay-Roll; he served as
Fifer of Capt. Michael's company Chester County Militia, Sept. 1781.
Buried in St. Johns P. E. Churchyard, Norristown, Pa.]

Keywords/Tags: Conrad Hippie, Captain Michael's Company, Chester County Militia, St. Johns P. E. Churchyard, Norristown, Pennsylvania, Revolutionary War, Norristown Register

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