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American Revolution Compiled Unit Service Records
Continental Troops
1st Regiment
High-quality copies are available for a fee from Historica
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Abrahams, GeorgeAbrams, George
Addison, Lewis
Alexander, William
Alison, Robert
Allen, Daniel
Allen, Henry
Allen, Johnson
Allia, John
Allis, John
Allison, Robert
Andrews, Moses
Andrews, Thomas
Angel, Richard
Angel, Robert
Ansley, William
Armistead, William
Armstrong, James
Arnald, William
Arnold, Lindsay
Arnold, William
Asbury, Coleman R
Ashley, John
Ashley, John
Ausberry, Coleman R
Auser, Benjamin
Auser, Daniel
Back to Top
Babcock, RichardBaber, Henry
Babode, James
Bagby, Thomas
Bagley, Thomas
Bailey, Pierce
Bailor, George
Baker, Richard
Ball, William
Barbey, Elijah
Barey, William
Barg, Phillip
Barnes, Andrew
Barnes, John
Barnes, Thomas
Barnet, Dudley
Barns, Andrew
Barns, John
Barret, William
Barrett, Chisnl
Barron, John
Bartlett, John
Batcheldore, William
Batteast, John
Batticut, John
Baylor, George
Baylor, Walk
Bedgood, Phillip
Belfield, John
Belfields, John
Bell, Nathan
Bell, Nathaniel
Belvin, George
Belvin, Lewis
Benham, Levi
Benjamin, Joseph
Benn, Daniel
Benson, William
Berchitt, Edward
Bidgood, Philip
Bigbie, William
Bigbie, William
Bilfield, John
Billop, George
Billops, George
Billups, George
Bilson, William
Bingham, Roscow
Binn, Daniel
Birchett, Edward
Biswell, John
Biswill, John
Black, John
Bland, Theodorick
Boley, Pressley
Bollenhouse, John
Bollington, John
Boltenhouse, John
Boltinghouse, John
Boltinhouse, John
Bolton, Boling
Bonam, Levi
Bond, Joseph
Boneham, Levi
Bonham, Levi
Boswell, Bridgamn
Botts, Leonard
Boultenhouse, John
Bowcock, Richard
Bowers, George
Bowler, William
Boyer, Henry
Bozell, Scott
Braden, Thoams
Bradley, David
Bradshaw, Jeremiah
Bragg, Benjamin
Branham, John
Branham, William
Brann, James
Brent, -----
Brewer, John
Briant, Anderson
Bridgeman, Bozwell
Bridges, John
Briggs, John
Brooke, William
Brookes, William
Brooks, Humphrey
Brooks, William
Brosen, Samuel
Brown, John
Brown, John
Brown, Thomas
Brumback, Peter
Brumick, Peter
Buchanan, Henry
Buckhannan, Henry
Bumback, Peter
Bunn, Daniel
Burchaet, Daniel
Burchett, Edward
Butlar, William
Butler, William
Back to Top
Cain, MatthiasCall, Richard
Callis, William
Camp, Green
Cann, John
Carden, Ewin
Cardwell, William
Carman, John
Carmon, John
Carnes, Patrick
Carnine, Jerimiah
Carrell, John
Carroll, John
Carter, -----
Carter, John
Carter, John
Casby, James
Casey, Jacob
Casey, James
Casey, John
Causbey, James
Causby, James
Cavender, William
Chambers, James
Champe, John
Chandler, Jesse
Chapman, Isaac
Chapman, Joseph
Clack, Moses
Clark, Lawrence
Clarke, Lawrence
Claton, Plilip
Clayton, Phillip
Clayton, Phillip
Clearwater, Benjamin
Cleayton, Philip
Clements, Henry
Clements, James
Clements, John
Clemmons, John
Clift, William
Clough, -----
Cock, William
Cocke, William
Cockrell, Pressly
Cockrill, Pressly
Colatter, Jacob
Colattes, Jacob
Cole, Samuel
Coles, Samuel
Colleter, Jacob
Collier, James
Collins, John
Colquit, Ransom
Colter, William
Conner, Joseph
Conroe, Isaac
Conroo, Isaac
Consoe, Isaac
Cook, Lewis
Cook, William
Cooke, Lewis
Coon, Israel
Cooper, Richard
Corby, Sydnor
Cosbey, William
Cosby, James
Cosby, Sydnor
Cosby, William
Craig, John
Creag, John
Creage, John
Crews, Joseph
Crewson, Benjamin
Crider, John
Crookshank, William
Crookshanks, William
Cross, John
Cruidson, Benjamin
Crump, Jesse
Cryder, John
Cureton, James
Curton, James
Back to Top
Dalley, GeorgeDandridge, Alexander Spotswood
Dandrige, Alexaner Spotswood
Dangerfield, William
Darley, Dennis
Daverson, William
Davies, Richard
Davis, Richard
Davis, Samuel
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Thomas
Davis, Thompson
Davis, William
Davis, William
Davise, William
Dawson, James
Deadman, Robert
Deadmon, Robt
Dean, James
Decker, Samuel
Dedman, Robt
Dehaven, Isaac
Delamaux, Chevr
Dell, Joseph
Delozear, Asa
Delozur, Aza
Dennis, William
Dicks, George
Dickson, James
Digges, Cole
Diggs, Cole
Dishamon, James
Dishman, James
Dix, George
Dobbs, Nathaniel
Doherty, Che
Draper, John
Dugar, Robert
Dunn, Billington
Dupee, William
Durham, Samuel
Durosett, Samuel
Durossett, Samuel
Back to Top
Edmondson, EdmondEdmondson, William
Edmundson, Edmd
Edmundson, William
Edmunson, William
Edwards, Sandford
Edwards, Sanford
Edwards, Stanford
Eggleston, Joseph
Egmon, James
Egmond, James
Elliot, Martin
Emmons, John
Eppes, William
Epps, William
Erskine, Charles
Etter, John
Eubank, John
Evans, John
Evans, Peter
Evans, Stephen
Evens, Stephen
Everhart, Andrew
Back to Top
Faringholtz, DavidFarrel, Zepheniah
Faulkner, Peter
Fauntlerory, Griffin
Fauntleroy, Griffin
Feare, James
Fennill, James
Ferguson, Robert
Finnell, James
Finnie, James
Finnill, James
Fisher, George
Fisher, William
Fitch, Andrew
Fitzhugh, William
Fleet, Edward
Fleet, Edwin
Fletcher, Benjamin
Fletcher, James
Fletcher, Stephen
Flint, John
Floid, Perry
Floyd, Perry
Flucher, Philip
Fontaine, William
Forest, George
Forrest, George
Forster, Josiah
Fortune, Nathan
Foster, Cosbey
Foster, Josiah
Fraklin, John
Franklin, John
Franklin, John
Freeman, Annanias
Freeman, John
Freman, John
French, Samuel
Fry, John
Fugler, William
Fulcher, Phillip
Fulsher, Phillip
Furbish, William
Furbush, William
Furguson, Jeremiah
Furingholtz, David
Back to Top
Gaetes, WilliamGarland, Christopher
Garnett, Benjamin
Geatley, John
George, John
George, William
German, William
Gibson, Thomas
Gile, Madcaef
Glascock, Thomas
Glason, Patrick
Glasscock, Thomas
Glasson, Patrick
Goare, Jacob
Goatley, John
Goody, John
Gordan, Alexander
Gorden, Alex
Gordon, Albin
Gordon, Alexander
Gordon, Ambrose
Gordon, John
Gore, Jacob
Gray, William
Green, Berryman
Green, Robert
Green, Thomas
Greenwood, Bartlett
Gregg, Charles
Gregg, Peter
Grigg, Charles
Grigg, Peter
Griggs, Charles
Grimes, John
Guilliams, William
Gun, James
Gunn, James
Gunn, James
Gunn, James
Gunnell, John
Gunnell, William
Gunnels, John
Gunnett, John
Gunnill, John
Gunnill, William
Gutherey, George
Guthery, George
Guthrey, George
Gwin, Humphrey
Gwyn, Humphrey
Back to Top
Halbert, WilliamHaley, George
Hall, James
Hall, William
Hamilton, William
Hamlin, John
Hampton, John
Hankey, Frederick
Hanley, Leonard
Harcum, James
Hardy, John
Harper, Jesse
Harper, Josiah
Harris, James
Harris, John
Harris, S
Harrison, Cuthbert
Harrison, John
Harrison, John
Harrison, Price
Hatcher, William
Hatton, William
Hawkins, Benjamin
Hawlet, Isaac
Hayes, William
Hazelwood, Richard
Hazlewood, Richard
Head, Benjamin
Heath, Henry
Heeth, Henry
Hefferlin, John
Hendley, Archer
Hendley, Sannard
Hendron, William
Hendrow, Downing
Hendson, Downing
Henley, Archer
Henley, Leonard
Henly, Archer
Henly, Leonard
Henry, John
Hert, West
Hewlet, Austain
Hewlett, Thomas
Hewlitt, Austin
Hewlitt, Thomas
Hicks, William
Hill, Baylor
Hill, George
Hill, Henry
Hill, John
Hindon, William
Hinds, George
Hinson, Benjamin
Hipkenstal, James
Hipkinstal, James
Hite, George
Hite, Julius
Hobbs, Benjamin
Hobbs, Drury
Hobday, Edmond
Hobday, Richard
Hobdey, Edmond
Hobdey, Richard
Hoff, James
Hogan, Thomas
Hogans, Thomas
Holaby, William
Holland, Juluas
Holman, John
Hom, Chris
Hooff, James
Hopingstock, Chris
Hopingstot, Christopher
Hopingstsch, Christopher
Hopinstock, Christ
Hopkins, David
Hopper, John
Horn, Christopher
Horton, Samuel
Houching, John
Houchings, John
Houlett, Isaac
Howlett, Isaac
Howlett, Vollentine
Howlitt, Isaac
Hubbard, James
Hudgen, Moses
Hudgeon, Moses
Hudger, Moses
Hudgin, Moses
Hudging, Moses
Hudgins, Moses
Hudgir, Moses
Hudson, Rush
Huggins, Moses
Hughes, George
Hughes, Jasper
Hughes, John
Hughs, Jasper
Hughs, John
Hughs, T
Hull, Beacham
Humphrey, George
Humphrey, John
Humphrey, John
Humphreys, John
Humphries, George
Hurt, West
Hutt, Read
Back to Top
Jackson, JamesJackson, Nathaiel
Jacobs, Benjamin
Jacobs, John
Jameson, John
Jefferies, William
Jeffreys, William
Jenkins, John
Johnson, James
Johnson, James
Johnson, John
Johnson, Randolph
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, William
Johnson, William
Johnson, William
Johnston, John
Johnston, Richard
Johnston, William
Johnston, William E
Jones, Cadwr
Jones, Churchill
Jones, Humphrey
Jones, James
Jones, Joel
Jones, John
Jones, Lewellen
Jones, Richard
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Solomon
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas
Jones, William
Jones, William
Jordan, William
Back to Top
Kamp, WilliamKeen, John
Keith, Daniel
Kelley, Jacob
Kelly, Jacob
Kemp, William
Kendal, James
Kendall, John
Kenton, Mark
Kerns, John
Kichson, William
Kidd, Henry
Kirk, George
Kirk, Robert
Kirkland, John
Kishson, William
Knapp, Samuel
Kunningham, John
Back to Top
Lad, EdwardLandon, David
Lane, Larkin
Lang, John
Langford, Peter
Langsden, Charles
Langsden, Daniel
Langsden, William
Langsdon, Daniel
Langston, Charles
Langston, Daniel
Langston, William
Lankford, Peter
Laurance, William
Laurence, William
Lawrance, William
Lawrence, William
Lawson, John
Layton, Reuben
Layton, William
Leath, Peter
Lecount, John
Lee, -----
Lee, David
Lee, Henry
Lee, Joshua
Lee, William
Leister, William
Leonard, Coleman
Lester, William
Leuzaden, Edward
Level, Henry
Levil, Henry
Lewis, Addison
Lewis, David
Lewis, George
Lewis, James
Lewis, Stephen
Leyton, Reuben
Lightfoot, William
Lindsay, William
Linton, John
Lipscom, John
Lipscomb, John
Lipscomb, John
Lipscombs, John
Lister, William
Littlepage, John
Lively, Matthew
Locket, Benjamin
Lockhart, William
Lodin, William
London, David
Long, John
Long, John
Long, Levy
Longdon, John
Lovcey, Charles
Lovcey, Shadrick
Love, William
Lovel, Henry
Lovesay, Charles
Lovey, Charles
Lovey, Shadrack
Loyde, William
Luster, William
Luvcey, Charles
Luzadar, Edward
Luzadder, Edward
Luzader, Edward
Lyree, James
Back to Top
Maddison, AmbroseMaddison, John
Maddison, Thomas
Madison, Ambrose
Madison, John
Madison, Thomas
Mansfield, George
Marsh, Thomas
Marshal, Richard
Marshall, Thomas
Martin, Boling
Martin, Josiah
Martin, Thomas
Massey, John
Massey, Thomas
May, Thomas
Mccaffery, Niel
Mccaffray, Neil
Mccaffrey, Neal
Mccaffry, Niel
Mccallion, James
Mcclain, John
Mcclean, John
Mcclochlin, Thomas
Mccombs, William
Mccraw, Francis
Mccrum, Michael
Mccum, Michael
Mcdaniel, William
Mcdonald, John
Mcdonald, William
Mcentosh, Thomas
Mcgraw, James
Mcintosh, Thomas
Mckee, Richard
Mckensie, Alexander
Mckey, Richard
Mckinzie, Alexander
Mckum, Michael
Mclaughlin, Thomas
Mclean, John
Mcmahon, Andrew
Mcmehorn, Andrew
Mcmekin, James
Meacom, Thomas
Mead, John
Meed, John
Meeshell, Samuel
Mentor, Barker
Merewether, James
Merrit, Major
Merriwether, James
Merrywether, S
Minter, Barber
Minton, Barker
Minton, Ebenezer
Morris, John
Morriss, Henry
Moxley, George
Mullens, Anthony
Mullin, Anthony
Muschell, Samuel
Mushell, Samuel
Back to Top
Neal, CharlesNeal, Charles
Neal, Ferdiendo
Neal, Frederick
Neale, Ferdiendo
Nelson, John
Nelson, William
Nely, William
Nevill, Sache
New, Thomas
Newland, Matthias
Newlin, Matthew
Newman, William
Newman, William
Nicholds, Charles
Nichols, Charles
Nixon, Andrew
Nixon, Robert
Norris, Bezenel
Norvell, George
Novell, George
Back to Top
Oast, GeorgeOliver, Robert
Olliver, Robert
Organ, David
Oste, George
Osur, Benjamin
Osur, Daniel
Back to Top
P, IPage, Carl
Page, Enos
Pain, Richard
Painter, George
Parsons, William
Paskill, George
Payne, Richard
Payne, William
Paythrass, Francis
Peak, Jesse
Peake, Jesse
Peake, William
Pearman, Thomas
Pendelton, Richard
Pendeton, Richard
Pendleton, Richard
Pendlton, Richard
Penn, William
Perkerson, James
Perry, John
Peyton, Henry
Pied, -----
Pigman, Mathew
Plumer, Armistead
Plumley, Obidiah
Plummer, Armistead
Plummer, John
Plummer, Robert
Plummer, William
Poindexter, Richard
Poindextor, Richard
Pomdocter, Richard
Pool, Robert
Poole, Robert
Pope, Thomas
Pore, Robert
Porthress, Francis
Pothyress, Francis
Powell, Eleven
Power, Robert
Powers, John
Powers, Juluis
Powers, Lewis
Poythress, Francis
Poythriss, Francis
Preston, David
Prewet, James
Price, Burdit
Price, Burdott
Prichard, James
Pritchard, Thomas
Pritchet, Thomas
Pritchett, James
Pritchitt, Thomas
Proby, Manson
Prother, Jonathan
Prouty, Johathan
Pucket, Josiah
Pullen, James
Back to Top
Quarles, MosesBack to Top
Ransom, RobertRansone, Robert
Read, William
Reade, William
Reader, William
Redman, John
Redmund, John
Renn, Alexander
Rice, Basdle
Rice, Holman
Richardson, Grief
Ritchee, Daniel
Roads, Jacob
Robenson, John
Robertson, Henry
Robertson, John
Robinson, John
Robinson, John
Rodes, William
Roe, John
Rogers, Ezekiel
Rosamond, Robert
Rose, Richard
Rose, Robert
Rowe, John
Rudder, Epaphroditus
Rush, George
Rush, Henry
Back to Top
Samders, JohnSanders, Thomas
Saunders, John
Saunders, Thomas
Saunders, Thomas
Sawyer, William
Scarborough, John
Schofield, Ellis
Schofield, Jethro
Scott, Charles
Scott, Francis
Scott, John
Seaburn, Jacob
Seafield, Ellis
Seburn, Jacob
Sebwin, Jacob
Self, Larkin
Sellars, John
Sellers, John
Sharp, Levi
Sharpe, Levi
Sheakill, George
Sheppard, David
Sherfield, Ellis
Sherfild, Ellis
Shope, William
Shoup, William
Shurly, James
Simpkins, Reuben
Singelton, Edmond
Singleton, Edmund
Sinkins, Reubin
Skinner, John
Slaughter, Charles
Slaughter, Francis
Slaughter, John
Slayton, Joseph
Slead, Seaton
Sledd, Seaton
Slicks, William
Smell, Joseph
Smelt, Joseph
Smith, Charles
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Richard
Smith, Robert
Smith, Robert
Sneed, Claiborne
Solomon, Joseph
Son, Anthony
Southerd, John
Spiceley, James
Spinger, Abraham
Sportsman, William
Squofield, Ellis
Stagg, Thomas
Stainback, Charles
Stainbak, Charles
Stanback, Charles
Stark, Robert
Starke, William
Starn, David
Stern, David
Stewart, Benjamin
Stewart, David
Stewart, Philip
Stillwell, William
Stilwell, William
Stith, John
Storey, John
Storm, John
Story, John
Stout, Elijah
Stratton, John
Stratton, Seth
Stringfellow, Harry
Stringfellow, Henry
Stuart, Benjamin
Stubbs, John
Sturdivant, John
Suddeth, John
Suddoth, John
Swan, John
Sydnor, Cosby
Back to Top
Tailing, EppsTakersly, Samuel
Talley, John Jr
Talley, John Sr
Tankersley, Samuel
Tankersly, Robert
Tankersly, Samuel
Tanner, Paul
Taylor, James
Taylor, William
Temple, Benjamin
Temple, Humphrey
Tennell, George
Tenney, John
Tennill, George
Terrel, Pressley
Thomas, Peter
Thompson, James
Thompson, Jeremiah
Thompson, Rial
Thompson, Royal
Thornton, Boyd
Thornton, Joseph Presley
Thornton, William
Throckmorton, Albion
Throckmorton, William
Throgmorton, William
Tillery, John
Tillory, John
Timberlake, Benjamin
Timberlake, John
Tinney, John
Tinney, Reubin
Tinnie, James
Tinny, John
Townsend, John
Townson, John
Treacle, John
Treakle, John
Trickle, John
Triplet, Nathaniel
Trockmorton, William
Tucker, William
Tunstall, Joseph
Turner, John
Tyre, James
Tyree, James
Tyrie, James
Back to Top
Ubank, JohnBack to Top
Vaden, BradockVancourt, Moses
Vaughan, Claiborne
Vaughan, Enoch
Vaughn, Enoch
Vauhan, -----
Vest, George
Violett, Sampson
Back to Top
Waddy, ThomasWade, Acra
Wade, John
Waid, John
Waide, John
Waittes, John
Walker, Jeremiah
Walker, John
Walker, Richard
Wallace, -----
Wallace, John
Wallace, Thomas
Wallar, Major
Waller, Major
Wallis, John
Walts, Gideon
Ward, John
Ward, John Ben
Ware, John
Ware, Samuel
Warterfield, John
Washington, John
Washington, William
Waterfield, John
Waters, John
Watts, Gideon
Watts, John
Weaver, John
Webb, James
Webber, Philip
Webster, John
Weller, Nicholas
Wells, Nathaniel
Wells, Zacariah
West, George
Westen, Diggs
Wester, Diggs
Western, Diggs
Weston, Digges
Whailey, John
Whaley, John
Wheeler, James
Wheeler, John
White, -----
White, Anthony Walton
White, James
White, John
White, John
White, John
White, Samuel
Whitehead, John
Whitehead, John
Whiting, Francis
Whiting, Z
Wiles, George
Wilkerson, David
Wilkerson, John
Wilkinson, David
Williams, Arthur
Williams, Benjamin
Williams, Daniel
Williams, Henry
Williams, Thomas
Williams, William
Williams, William
Willis, George
Wills, Nathaniel
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Whitehead
Wilson, Whitfield
Winfree, Major
Winfrey, Major
Winfreys, Major
Winfry, Major
Winn, Harrison
Winston, William
Woodrum, Stephen
Wooseley, Aaron
Wooseley, Thomas
Woosley, Aron
Woosley, Thomas
Worsham, Daniel
Worsham, William
Wosham, William
Wright, David
Wright, George
Wright, John
Wright, John
Wright, Thomas
Write, John
Back to Top
Yagar, JohnYagar, Samuel
Yager, John
Yager, Samuel
Yancey, Laton
Yancey, Robert
Yancy, Layton
Yancy, Robert
Yarborough, C
Yarbrough, Charles
Yeager, Samuel
Back to Top
Zachary, JohnZachray, John
Zachrey, John
Zackray, John
Zackrey, John
Back to Top