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Death From Sympathy

Transcribed from the Indiana Democrat December 8, 1870

Curious Case.

A rather curious case occurred in Al-
legheny yesterday. Two boys, some
time since, were playing in a building
when some of the tools from one of the
upper storied fell and knocked one of
them senseless. His companion, on
seeing his playmate stricken down by
his side, fainted, and when the Super-
indendent of the building discovered
them they were laying side by side, in-
sensible. upon examination it was
discovered that the boy, Paert, was se-
riously injured, his skull having been
fractured, and his death was, therefore,
expected in a few days. The little fel-
low was relieved from his sufferings on
Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, when
he died. The singular part of the sto-
ry remains to be told. When Lehman,
the little fellow who had been with
Paert, and whose sympathy threw him
into convulsions, upon the injury of his
playmate, when he learned of the death
of Paert he fainted again, and did not
rally sufficiently during the day to al-
low any assistance to be given him in
the way of stimulants, but he remained in
a comatose state until Tuesday night at
ten o'clock, when he breathed his last.
The singularity of the case seemed to
warrant the intervention of the Coron-
er, who posted over and empannelled a
jury. We doubt whether any more sin-
gular case is mentioned anywhere in the
annals of medical jurisprudence, ---
Pitts. Post 1st inst.

Paert, Lehman

Keywords/Tags: Paert, Lehman,Pittsburgh Post, December 1870