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Four Men Certified To New National Army

Transcribed from the Clearfield Progress November 19, 1917

Four Men Certified To New National Army

Both District and Local Boards Reverse Former Findings

By action taken today the force of available men for the New National army will be increased by four individuals, the district board having withdrawn exmptions hetretofore granted to Earl Gullich and William John Cutera, both of Clearfield. Both men are married but have no children.

In the case of Luther Granville Haverstock, the District Board has affirmed the finding of the local board in refusing exemption. Haverstock having no dependent children.

Trood D. Parker who married recently has had his exemption withdrawn by action of the local board.

WWI Draft Exemptions reversed in Clearfield County PA 1917

Keywords/Tags: Earl Gullich, William John Cutera, Luther Granville Haverstock, Trood D. Parker, WWI, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania