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Transcribed from the Altoona Mirror September 25, 1917


Young Altoonan Writes Interesting Letter From French Camp

                George McKee Aurandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Aurandt of 1005 Twenty-seventh avenue, one of the soldiers of Uncle Sam, who is on the Bible school honor roll at the First Baptist church, writes an interesting letter home from “somewhere in France,” where he is helping as a first class private in the American expeditionary force.
Young Aurandt, who is 22 years of age, celebrated his natal day on Sept. 1 in France. He enlisted in this city, May 16, and is assigned to Company C, First regiment engineers. Before his enlistment he was working as a plumber for Hughes & Menchey of this city.
Writing of his trip to France, the Altoonan says: “I never saw a bunch of men who got along so well together and who seemed so contented. We were sure a happy crowd when we saw that little gray line on the horizon, the line representing land.” He states that France is somewhat different from the good old U. S. A., with walking the streets carrying one back to other ages. The streets are narrow and paved with cobbles. Everybody is friendly to the Sammies and everybody stands to salute the American flag.
Telling of the climate he says the days are pleasant and never hot and that the nights are cool. George has been engaged daily in unloading transports, coaling the boats and inshore work together with lithographing work in which he assists in making the maps of different sections. The Altoonan spends his spare time in the haircutting business.
In closing the young Altoonan says: “You can send that tobacco now. Don’t send too much all at once. Tobacco is the hardest thing to get, especially the American kind.”

George Aurandt Altoona PA WWI

Keywords/Tags: George McKee Aurandt, Ben F. Aurandt, Company C, First regiment engineers, WWI, Hughes & Menchey, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania