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Transcribed from the Altoona Mirror May 28, 1918


Young Altoona Boy Rounds Out Eleven Months in France.

                Harry G. Banzhoff, aged 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Banzhoff of 1101 Fourth avenue, one of the youngest Altoona volunteers in Uncle Sam’s forces, has rounded out eleven months active service in France as a member of General Pershing’s forces.
Harry, when but 17 years of age, enlisted in Altoona on May 12, 1917, and trained at San Benito, Tex. He was in the southland four weeks, less one day, when he was selected as a member of the unit under General Pershing for service “over there.” Harry passed through Altoona en route to an Atlantic port.
                The soldier is with Company I, Twenty-sixth infantry. He arrived in France June 27, 1917. He formerly worked in the Standard Furniture company store in this city. In a recent letter home he asks to be remembered to his many friends.
“I am feeling fine and everything is O. K.,” writes the soldier. “Don’t worry about me. When you don’t hear from me don’t think that something happened, just mark it down that I couldn’t get a letter through.
                “I received the sweater and box of good things. It is next to impossible for us to get ‘eats’ like that over here.”

>Harry G. Banzhoff Altoona PA WWI

Keywords/Tags: Harry G. Banzhoff, H. L. Banzhoff, Company I, Twenty-sixth infantry, 26th infantry, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania