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Former District Attorney of Blair County and Commander of the Fifth Regiment Passes Away

Transcribed from the Altoona Mirror September 25, 1917

Former District Attorney of Blair County and Commander of the Fifth Regiment Passes Away.

Colonel James F. Milliken, a former well known member of the Blair county bar and district attorney of the county from 1874 to 1877, died at his home in New York city yesterday morning, aged 65 years.

Colonel Milliken acheived prominence in many lines of activity. He was formerly colonel of the old Fifth regiment and after he left Blair county he was a theatrical manager and wrote several books on travel to Egypt and the Orient, he having traveled extensively.
It was during his term as district attorney of this county that local option was in force here and an extraordinary large number of prosecutors were brought for violation of the liquor law.  The railroad strike of 1877 likewise occurred during his term of office and the rioters were prosecuted by him. He was noted for his fearlessness in the discharge of his duties.

Colonel Milliken never forgot his old friends in this community. While it as a good many years since lie left here, he frequently sent them remembrances of one kind or another and always roy­ally entertained any of them who called upon him at his home in New York. Besides Mrs. Fay he ia survived by a sister, Miss Milliken of Hollidaysburg and a brother residing in Pottsville.

Colonel James Milliken Civil War Veteran Obituary

Keywords/Tags: Colonel James F. Milliken, Civil War, 5th Regiment, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania