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Transcribed from the Altoona Mirror August 13, 1918


                Rev. Father John Dunphy, pastor of St. Bartholomew’s Catholic hurch at Wilmore, a native of Altoona, has been accepted by the United States army for immediate service as a chaplain. Father Dunphy will leave to enter the service on Monday, Aug. 26.
The priest is the first from the Altoona diocese to be accepted under the recent volunteering plan although four others will soon be called into active service.
                Father Dunphy was born and raised in Altoona and was educated in the Sacred Heart parochial school, being the first Sacred Heart student to enter the priesthood. He attended St. Mary’s college and was ordained to the priesthood on March 27, 1910, at St. John’s church, Johnstown. He said his first mass in Sacred Heart church this city.
                He has capably filled the charge as rector at Wilmore since July 5, 1912, and his last official act at the church will be the annual reunion to be held on Aug. 21 and 22 at which time the priest will be tendered a farewell. Many Altoona residents will attend the reunion.

                Father Dunphy is a son of the late Frank Dunphy, former resident of Eighth avenue and Twenty-fourth street. His sister, Mrs. Mollie Molloy, widow of the late Frank Molloy, resided with the priest at Wilmore.

Chaplain John Dunphy WWI

Keywords/Tags: Rev. Father John Dunphy, Frank Dunphy, Mollie  Dunphy, Mollie Molloy, Frank Molloy, St. Bartholomew’s Catholic Church, Wilmore, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania