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Marriage Licenses

Transcribed from the Clearfield Evening Progress June 12, 1913


Russel Foster Brown and Mary E
Woods, both of Clearfield.
Frank Stomick and Anastasia Tym-
kiv, both of Belsena Mills.
Fred S. Dunlap and Hattie Gra-
ham, both of Clearfield.
Clark Kitchen of Westover and
Opha McMasters, of Chest township.
William L. Kelley, of Rosebud, and
Nema D. Irvin, of Berwinsdale.
Floyd L. Lucore and Nellie M. Kitc
hen, both of Penfield.
William Smith and Annie Patterson
both of New Millport.

Clearfield County PA Marriage Licenses June 1913

Keywords/Tags: Russel Foster Brown, Mary E Woods, Frank Stomick, Anastasia Tymkiv, Fred S Dunlap, Hattie Graham, Clark Kitchen, Opha McMasters, William L Kelley, Nema D Irvin, Floyd L Lucore, Nellie M Kitchen, William Smith, Annie Patterson, Clearfield PA, Belsena Mills PA, Westover PA, Chest Township PA, Rosebud PA, Berwinsdale PA, Penfield PA, New Millport PA