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Transcribed from the Mt Herald Tribune September 1, 1932


Obadiah Reese, who, with Other
Volunteers, Rode to Harrisburg
in Box Cars to Enlist in Zero

Comrade Obadiah Reese.

That good old Comrade of the Civil
War, Obadiah Reese, of Winterset,
reached his 88th anniversary on Tues-
day, August 23, 1932, and although not
being in the best of health, is able to
be around his home more or less of
the time. The only other local sur-
vivor of the Civil War residing here is
Comrade John F. Long, of near Lake

Mr. Reese enlisted in the 192nd regi-
ment, P. V. I, and was mustered into
the six-months' service at Harrisburg.
He was stationed' about Harpers' Fer-
ry and Winchester. Mr. Reese de-
parted for the war from Ebensburg in
a sled which was driven to Cresson by
his father, the late Thomas J. Reese,
and was accompanied by ten other
men from this place. The weather
was down to zero and at Cresson they
were loaded in a box car for Harris-
burg. It was a long cold ride but
they were rugged and hearty.

Some of the other members of the
party were: William Larimer, Elias
Edwards, Jack Williams, Abe Makin,
Owen M.Jones, John Evans, "sawyer,"
Samuel Reese.

Civil War Veteran Obadiah Reese

Keywords/Tags: Civil War, 192nd regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Harpers Ferry, Winchester Virginia, Winterset, Lake Rowena, Ebensburg, Cresson, Obadiah Reese, Thomas J Reese, William Larimer, Elias Edwards, Jack Williams, Abe Makin, Owen M Jones, John Evans, Samuel Reese, John F Long