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American Revolution Compiled Service Records


2nd Battalion

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Allison, Henry (Lieutenant)
Allson, Henry (Lieutenant)


Baker, Thomas (Private)
Bard, John (Captain)
Board, John (Sergeant)
Boatright, Daniel (Private)
Bond, William (Private)
Bound, Reubin (Corporal)
Boyer, William (Private)
Brantlett, Britten (Sergeant)
Brice, William (Private)
Brown, John (Corporal)
Bryant, John (Private)
Butrey, Zachariah (Private)
Butterry, Zechh (Private)
Buttry, Zach (Private)
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Chace, Beverly (Private)
Chaice, Beverly (Private)
Chase, Beverly (Private)
Chick, Frederick (Lieutenant)
Childress, David (Private)
Childress, Thomas (Sergeant)
Chilldress, Thomas (Sergeant)
Chisolm, John (Sergeant)
Christian, William (Private)
Collins, Cornelius (Lieutenant)
Collins, John (Private)
Connelly, James (Private)
Copher, Joseph (Private)
Crundon, Edward (Sergeant Major)
Cunningham, John (Captain)
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Dameron, Charles (Private)
Davenport, Stephen (Private)
Davis, John (Private)
Davis, Meridith (Private)
Davise, John (Private)
Devenport, Stephen (Private)
Dorton, William (Corporal)
Dugan, John (Private)
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Elbert, Samuel (Colonel)
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Flanegan, John (Sergeant)
Forster, John (Private)
Foster, John (Private)
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Gascoin, Richard (Private)
Gascon, Richard (Private)
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Hancock, George (Captain)
Hancock, Stephen (Private)
Handie, Daniel (Private)
Handy, Daniel (Private)
Holloway, Lewis (Sergeant)
Howe, Robert (Lieutenant)
Howe, Robert (Quartermaster)
Howell, Patrick (Corporal)
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Johnson, John (Private)
Johnston, John (Private)
Jones, John (Private)
Jones, Richard (Private)
Jones, William (Sergeant)
Jordon, John (Private)
Jostten, Daniel (Private)
Jugar, James (Sergeant)
Jurdin, John (Private)
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Landrum, Josiah (Private)
Linch, Andrew (Private)
Linvell, William (Private)
Linvill, William (Private)
Lister, Thomas (Private)
Loveing, John (Private)
Lynch, Andrew (Private)
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Maise, Joseph (Sergeant)
Mason, John (Private)
May, Joseph (Sergeant)
Mcduel, James (Corporal)
Moore, Francis (Major)
Morris, Nicholas (Private)
Morrison, John (Lieutenant)
Morrisson, John (Lieutenant)
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Naven, James (Private)
Navin, James (Private)
Newman, John (Private)
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Oakley, Arasmus (Sergeant)
Oakly, ----- (Sergeant)
Oakman, William (Fife Major)
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Pac, Henry (Private)
Palmer, William (Sergeant)
Parker, Jessie (Sergeant)
Payne, Thomas (Lieutenant)
Peasly, William (Private)
Pitman, John (Private)
Pound, Reuban (Corporal)
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Rains, John (Corporal)
Read, Thomas (Corporal)
Reed, Thomas (Corporal)
Reynolds, Absolam (Fifer)
Ried, Thomas (Corporal)
Rivers, John (Private)
Rivers, Jones (Sergeant)
Roberts, Daniel (Lieutenant Colonel)
Ruksbery, Jacob (Private)
Ryan, Denis (Private)
Ryon, Denis (Private)
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Saulsbery, Thomas (Private)
Shick, Fredrick (Lientenant)
Simmons, Thomas (Private)
Simpson, Samuel (Private)
Smith, John (Private)
Stith, William (Private)
Stocks, Hartwell (Private)
Stokes, Hartwel (Private)
Strone, John (Quartermaster Sergeant)
Strong, John (Quartermaster Sergeant)
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Tapley, William (Private)
Tennell, Francis (Lieutenant)
Tennill, Francis (Lieutenant)
Terry, Stephen (Private)
Toshling, Daniel (Private)
Tylor, Grant (Private)
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Walker, William (Private)
Weatherford, Stephen (Private)
Webster, Benjamin (Private)
Webster, Thomas (Drummer)
Wilkerson, Sherwood (Sergeant)
Willebey, William (Private)
Willibey, James (Private)
Willis, Meshack (Sergeant)
Willobough, James (Private)
Willobough, William (Private)
Willoughby, James (Private)
Winkfild, Jarvise (Private)
Wood, Edward (Captain)
Woodson, William (Private)
Wright, Ezecial (Private)
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