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American Revolution Compiled Service Records


Georgia Battalion

High-quality copies are available for a fee from Historica

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Accord, Lewis (Corporal)
Acord, Lewis (Corporal)
Alexander, Hugh (Private)
Allen, Joseph (Private)
Allison, Henry (Lieutenant)
Allman, Thomas (Private)
Andrews, David (Private)
Armstrong, George (Sergeant)
Attaway, James (Private)
Attaway, Joseph (Private)
Atway, Ezekiel (Private)
Atway, James (Private)
Atway, Joseph (Private)
Aukman, Thomas (Private)


Bailie, Christopher (Private)
Balie, Christopher (Private)
Barber, Jesse (Private)
Bassett, George (Private)
Beakly, George (Private)
Beckley, George (Private)
Beninger, Henry (Corporal)
Bennet, Richard (Private)
Benniger, Henry (Corporal)
Bishop, Golden (Private)
Bishop, William (Private)
Bogget, Martin (Private)
Bondy, David (Private)
Bonnel, John (Private)
Bonnell, John (Private)
Booker, Gideon (Captain)
Boyd, Robert (Private)
Boyd, Samuel (Private)
Brackenridge, James (Private)
Brakenridge, James (Private)
Brantley, Jeremiah (Private)
Brossard, ----- (Captain)
Brown, James (Private)
Brown, Jesse (Private)
Brozard, ----- (Captain)
Buckhatter, Michael (Private)
Bullock, Benjamin (Private)
Bunday, David (Private)
Buntz, John Christopher (Quartermaster Sergeant)
Burns, James (Private)
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Campbell, John (Private)
Carson, John (Private)
Caswell, Alexander (Private)
Chappard, John (Private)
Chapperd, John (Private)
Chizler, Daniel (Private)
Clayatt, Isaac (Private)
Clyatt, Isaac (Private)
Collins, Cornelius (Lieutenant)
Conner, Joseph (Private)
Cook, Benjamin (Private)
Cook, Henry (Private)
Cook, Rains (Captain)
Cook, William (Private)
Cooke, Benjamin (Private)
Cooker, William (Private)
Cowen, Edward (Lieutenant)
Crawford, John (Private)
Crawford, William (Private)
Crooker, William (Private)
Crosher, John (Private)
Cuthbert, A Daniel (Captain)
Cuthbert, Alexander Daniel (Captain)
Cuthbert, Daniel (Captain)
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Dailly, William (Private)
Daily, William (Private)
Daughtry, Joseph (Private)
Day, Joseph (Captain)
Delaplain, Emanl Peter (Captain)
D'L'Playne, P E (Captain)
Dowdy, Richard (Private)
Dowell, Peter (Private)
Ducoin, John (Lieutenant)
Dumlac, Francis (Private)
Dunlan, Francis (Private)
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Eastmead, Richard (Private)
Eastmed, Rchard (Private)
Elbert, Samuel (Colonel)
Emanuel, Joseph (Private)
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Fair, Robert (Private)
Fitzpatric, Patric (Private)
Fitzpatrick, Patric (Private)
Forrest, Thomas (Private)
Fraser, Lewis (Corporal)
Frazer, John (Lieutenant)
Frazer, Lewis (Corporal)
Fresh, Charles (Private)
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Gamble, John (Drummer)
Gawn, Solomon (Private)
Gibson, John (Private)
Gibson, Samuel (Private)
Gilstrap, John (Private)
Gipson, John (Private)
Gordon, Samuel (Private)
Grafford, John (Private)
Grafford, William (Private)
Grann, Jonathan (Private)
Grawn, Solomon (Private)
Griffith, Charles (Private)
Griffiths, Charles (Private)
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Habersham, John (Major)
Hail, Jacob (Private)
Hancock, Durrum (Private)
Hardwick, George (Sergeant)
Harigat, Joseph (Private)
Harrigate, Joseph (Private)
Harris, William (Private)
Hartinbaker, Emanuel (Private)
Hartinbricker, Enal (Private)
Harvey, John (Private)
Hayes, Arthur (Lieutenant)
Hayes, James (Private)
Hays, Arthur (Lieutenant)
Hencock, Durrim (Private)
Henley, George (Captain)
Henry, William (Private)
Hicks, Isaac (Captain)
Hillary, Chris (Lieutenant)
Hilleary, Christopher (Lieutenant)
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Ihly, Ephraim (Private)
Ihly, Jacob (Private)
Ihly, Samuel (Sergeant)
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Johnson, Daniel (Private)
Johnston, Daniel (Private)
Jones, Aquilla (Private)
Jordan, William (Lieutenant)
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Kender, Simon (Private)
Kindor, Simon (Private)
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Lane, Joseph (Major)
Lanier, Benjamin (Corporal)
Lenohan, Lawrence (Private)
Leonard, Laurance (Private)
Leveam, Simon (Corporal)
Linear, Benjamin (Corporal)
Long, Frederick (Sergeant Major)
Low, Philip (Major)
Lowe, Philip (Major)
Lucas, John (Captain)
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Martin, John (Private)
Maxwell, Josiah (Lieutenant)
Mcbride, Thomas (Private)
Mcintosh, John (Lieutenant Colonel)
Mcintosh, Lachlan (Lieutenant Captain)
Mcintosh, William (Captain)
Mcsee, John (Fifer)
Meanly, John (Lieutenant)
Meek, Michael (Private)
Melvin, George (Captain)
Metzgar, Jacob (Private)
Metzgar, Samuel (Private)
Mick, Matthew (Private)
Mick, Michael (Private)
Micke, Matt (Private)
Miller, Archibald (Private)
Miller, Elisha (Captain)
Miller, George (Private)
Mills, Riker (Private)
Milton, John (Captain)
Miney, Philip (Private)
Minsey, Philip (Private)
Mitchell, Andrew (Private)
Mitchell, John (Lieutenant)
Mitzgar, Jacob (Private)
Mitzker, Samuel (Private)
Monday, David (Drummer)
Montgomery, Samuel (Private)
Moore, William (Private)
Mooze, William (Private)
Morrison, John (Lieutenant)
Morroson, John (Lieutenant)
Mosby, Littlebury (Captain)
Moss, John (Private)
Motts, Matthew (Private)
Munday, David (Drummer)
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Nichols, Joseph (Private)
Nickols, Joseph (Private)
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Oatt, Nathaniel (Private)
Odam, Whitmal (Private)
Overstreet, William (Private)
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Parton, William (Sergeant)
Paxton, William (Sergeant)
Payne, Thomas (Lieutenant)
Pearre, Nathaniel (Lieutenant Adjutant)
Peirce, James (Private)
Penrose, John (Private)
Peolan, George (Private)
Peoling, George (Private)
Perry, Nathaniel (Lieutenant Adjutant)
Phadkin, Thomas (Private)
Pickren, William (Private)
Pickring, William (Private)
Plaskoi, Fred (Private)
Plaskoy, Frederic (Private)
Porter, William (Private)
Poter, William (Private)
Potts, John (Private)
Povear, Peter (Private)
Purveyor, Peter (Private)
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Ralm, Jonathan (Corporal)
Ralm, Matthew (Sergeant)
Rausim, James (Private)
Rayon, James (Private)
Restor, Frederick (Private)
Rhan, Jonathan (Corporal)
Rhan, Matthew (Sergeant)
Richardson, Hardy (Private)
Richardson, William (Private)
Richarson, Hardie (Private)
Roberts, Arthur (Private)
Rousham, James (Private)
Rutledge, John (Private)
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Scott, Francis (Drum Major)
Scott, William (Captain)
Sharpe, James Boyd (Surgeon)
Sheick, Fredrick (Lieutenant)
Sheirly, John (Private)
Sherley, William (Private)
Shirly, John (Private)
Shurly, William (Private)
Sims, John (Private)
Sims, Parris (Private)
Sipro, Peter (Private)
Smith, Samuel (Private)
Snider, Samuel (Private)
Snyder, Jonathan (Private)
Snyder, Samuel (Private)
Stuart, John (Private)
Stuman, Thomas (Private)
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Tennell, Francis (Lieutenant)
Thrasher, George (Private)
Tidwell, Peter (Private)
Tidwell, William (Private)
Tootchstone, Daniel (Private)
Touchstone, Daniel (Private)
Triplett, William (Private)
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Wade, Richard (Private)
Wagnor, John Peter (Lieutenant Quartermaster)
Wall, David (Private)
Walnock, John (Private)
Webb, Alexander (Private)
Webster, Thomas (Drummer)
Weidman, John (Fifer)
Weincoiff, Matthew (Private)
White, James (Private)
White, William (Sergeant)
White, William (Private)
Widman, Matthew (Fifer)
Wood, Isaac (Private)
Wood, Thomas (Private)
Woods, Archibald (Private)
Woods, Isaac (Private)
Woods, John (Private)
Woods, Thomas (Private)
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Zipro, Peter (Private)
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