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Two of Uncle Sam’s Finest Take Brides

Transcribed from the Clearfield Progress November 19, 1917

Army And Navy Represented in Weddings of last Saturday

        Wedding bells rang merrily on Sat­urday for the boys in the service of Uncle Sam. The little god, Cupid, put one over on the god of War when Miss Hazel Keith of Glen Richey, became the bride of James A. Witherow of the U. S. Ship Arizona and Miss Telphena Polkinghorn became the bride of Corporal Wesley Beatty.
        Mr. Witherow who is well known in Clearfield came home last Tuesday and returned to his duties on the good ship Arizona this morning; leaving his charming bride with his parents with whom she will make her home until his return from the navy.
        The ceremony was performed by Rev. Resh of the West Side Methodist church. On Friday night a party was given to Mr. Witherow at his home at which there were about thirty-five guests present.

            Corporal Beatty came home on a furlough only recently and gave no one any intimation that his mission was one of love and so well did he guard his secret that the ceremony was almost over before his friends were aware that he had taken a wife. His bride, a lovable girl of Woodland, will make Mr. Beatty a true and good helpmate.

Albert A. Cree Altoona PA 1918 WWI

Keywords/Tags: Hazel Keith, James A. Witherow, Telphena Polkinghorn, Wesley Beatty, Rev. Resh, WWI, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania