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Transcribed from the Altoona Mirror May 28, 1918


William J. Harney, Altoona Boy, Injured at Vancouver Barracks

                William J. Harney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Harney of 1919 Eleventh avenue, has suffered the loss of one of his hands as a result of an accident while at work as a member of the spruce division on the army at Vancouver, Wash., according to a card received by the parents this week.
                News of the accident was received on a postcard received by the parents which states that the son will be confined to the hospital from one to three months, and that his hand has been amputated, physicians hoping to save the arm. Particulars of the accident are unknown.
Mr. Harney left Altoona on Feb. 22 with the Altoona contingent to enter the spruce division.

William J. Harney Altoona PA WWI

Keywords/Tags: Joseph P. Harney , William J. Harney, spruce division, WWI, Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania