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Historica/Record Hunter Doughboy Database

On Memorial Day, with quiet reverence, Historica launched a comprehensive veteran database for those who served in World War I.  We are attempting to compile service, biographical, and genealogical data for servicemen, nurses (Army and Red Cross), SATC members, YMCA staff... The initial release includes data on nearly 65,000 individuals. The information includes:

1 Name
2 Address (Street, City, County, State)
3 Date of Birth
4 Date of entering service
5 Date of Discharge
6 Service/serial numbers
7 Dates of Departure to, and return from, overseas
8 Ranks
9 Units of service
10 Battles/Engagements
11 Wound, KIA, MIA, and POW information
12 Decorations
13 Date, Place, and Cause of Death
14 Place of Interment
15 Names of parents, siblings, spouses, children, and other relatives
16 Biographical information
17 Photos
18 Sources of the included data
19 Names of contributors
20 Names of those researching the veteran
21 Record update and revision dates

One should keep in mind that not all data is –or will be— available for every record. Just because some data is missing does not imply that does not exist; conversely, just because data is present does not imply that is exclusively complete. For example, if enlistment and discharge dates are included in an individual record, it does not mean that the subject did not re-enlist.

We have launched this resource as a means of honoring those who served in the Great War. It provides a way for us to recognize the service and contribution of the selfless men and women who defended the freedom in which they deeply believed and dearly loved.

If you have information that you would like to add to the database, please email us at We are accepting digital copies of veteran photos, letters, journals, service papers, news clippings, etc. All photos should be scanned with the highest resolution possible and all documents should be scanned at 300 dpi. If possible, please include a transcript of handwritten documents. We will not accept copyrighted materials. We also welcome additions and corrections to the information included in the database. Also let us know how you would like to be listed as a contributor (full name, initials, etc) and whether you would like to be listed as a researcher (with an email address) so that others may contact you.

You can access Historica's "Doughboy Database" here