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 Place names are placed under the name of the country in which they are located



1st Army       4, 13  

1st Division  5         

2d Army        4         

2d Division   10       

2d French Colonial Corps 4, 5     

3d French Army Corps      4         

4th Division  11       

5th Army Corps       4         

5th French Army    11       

6th French Army    10       

6th French Army    4         

7th French Army    4         

11th French Army Corps  4         

11th French Army Corps  8         

17th French Army Corps  5         

18th French Division         5         

18th French Division         14       

26th Division           3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 (see also, Yankee Division, Sacrifice Division) 

            -Headquarters Troop          16

26th National Guard          4, 5     

29th Division           14       

32d French Army Corps    4         

32d French Corps   9         

42d National Guard           4         

51st Field Artillery 16       

51st Infantry            16       

52d Infantry 16       

101st Ambulance Company         16       

101st Ammunition Train  16       

101st Engineers      7, 16  

101st Field Artillery           7, 11, 16        

            -Battery A     8

101st Field Hospital           16       

101st Field Signal Battalion        16       

101st Infantry         4, 8, 16          

101st Machine Gun Battalion      16       

101st Sanitary Train         16       

101st Supply Train 16       

101st Trench Mortar Battery       16       

102d Ambulance Company          16       

102d Field Artillery            11, 16

102d Field Hospital            16       

102d Infantry          4, 16  

102d Machine Gun Battalion       16       

103d Ambulance Company          16       

103d Field Artillery (Heavy)        16       

103d Field Hospital            16       

103d Infantry          4, 16  

103d Machine Gun Battalion       16       

104th Ambulance Company         16       

104th Field Hospital          16       

104th Infantry         4, 5, 16          



Army of Occupation            15       



Bamford, F. E. (Brigadier General)        5, 15  



Degoutte, -- (General)         10, 11



Edwards, Clarence R. (Major General)  2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12        

England, Liverpool 7         



Foch, Ferdinand (General)           3, 13  


            -Apremont    4, 9

            -Argonne       3, 6

            -Belleau         11, 15

            -Belleau Woods        10, 14

            -Bois Belleau            10

            -Bois Belleu  14, 15

            -Bois Brule   9, 15

            -Bois Brule, Battle of          4

            -Bois de Ville            15

            -Bois de Ville devant Chaumont 14

            -Bois d'Etrayes        14

            -Bois d'Ormont         14, 15

            -Bois Haumont        14, 15

            -Bouresches Woods 11

            -Bourescres   15

            -Briey coal fields      14

            -Brittany       7, 8

            -Chateau-Thierry   5, 9, 10, 11, 14

            -Chatillon     12

            -Chemin-des-Dames           5, 8, 15

            -Coetquidan 7

            -Cote de Talon         14

            -Dommartin  13

            -Douaumont 15

            -Epieds          11, 12, 15

            -Etrepilly      11

            -Fere  12

            -Fismes          11

            -Genicourt     13

            -Givry            11, 15

            -Haute Marne          8

            -Havre           7

            -Jaulgonne-Fere-en-Tardenois Road      11

            -La Fere Woods       11

            -La Wavrille 14

            -Les Houppy Bois 14

            -Marne           10, 11

            -Marne, Second Battle of the        5, 12, 13

            -Metz  6

            -Metz, fortress of      8

            -Meuse           5, 6

            -Meuse, Battles of the        3, 13

            -Monthiers    11

            -Mouilly         13

            -Neufchateau           7, 8

            -Panton         9, 10

            -Rennes         7

            -Rimaucourt 8

            -Rochet Woods         11

            -Rupt-en-Woevre     13

            -Seicheprey   9

            -Seine River 12

            -Sivry-sur-Meuse    14

            -Soisson         8

            -St. Mihiel     5, 12, 13, 15

            -Torcy            11, 15

            -Torcy-Belleau         11

            -Toul  5, 8, 9

            -Troyon          12

            -Trugny         11, 12, 15

            -Vaux 10

            -Verdun         3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 16

            -Vesle River  11

            -Woevre         13

            -Xivrav-Marvoisin  9, 15



Ginisty, Monsigneur (Lord Bishop of Verdun) 13       



Hale, Harry C. (Major General)              

Headquarters Train and Military Police           16       

Hill 190         11, 15

Hill 360         14       

Huy, Maud (General)         8         



Leclerc, A      13       



National Guard of New England 6         

New England Division       3         



Passaga, -- (General)          9         

Pershing, John J. (General)          3, 4     



Rainbow Division    6, 11  



"Sacrifice Division" 3, 6     



UNITED STATES             

            Massachusetts, Boxford     6

            Massachusetts, Framingham       6

            Massachusetts State House          8

            Massachusetts, Westfield  6

            Massachusetts, Worcester 6

            New Jersey, Hoboken        7



Wilson, Woodrow    6         



Yankee Division      3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16
