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The record of the New England Division, the 26th Division of the United States army, will live forever as one of the most glorious in American annals. No division in any army has ever fought with greater endurance and grit and bulldog tenacity; with greater cheerfulness and height of morale, than the Yankee Division, the Sacrifice Division, the 'Saviors of Paris,' to use the full-hearted sobriquet bestowed by the grateful French people; 'the pick of the shock troops' to use the expression of great French generals.

No New England heart can help but leap at the thought of these splendid representatives of American manhood who were chosen by Gen. Pershing to march on the Rhine with Gen. Foch as a part of his Army of Triumph. For, the Armistice signed, Persh­ing named for that army the ten divisions of the American Expeditionary Forces which had fought longest and endured most and contributed the greatest share to the Victory of Peace, and the Y. D. is of the foremost among those ten in the honor it has won.

But the gallant regiments could not respond. Cut to pieces in the frightful battles on the Meuse, in the Argonne, at Verdun; thousands of men lost in the very last days of the fighting; the remnants worn out by the cumulative fatigue of months of incessant campaigning, their horses exhausted or dead, their clothing re­duced to rags—the spirit willing but the flesh weak, they were compelled to relinquish this final task. But the honor and the glorious fame of it remained theirs.

The Y. D. is one of four divisions of the American Army which are grouped by themselves as the veterans of veterans of the American Expeditionary Forces. This splendid quartette is made up of the 1st, 2d, 26th and 42d Divisions. Other American Divisions fought as valiantly, but none saw the intensity of service

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