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War Service of Members

OF Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution 1917-1919

A digital representation of the original 1920 work.


A. E. F., American Expeditionary Forces.

A. G. D., Adjutant General’s Department.

A. R. C., American Red Cross.

B. E. F., British Expeditionary Force.

C. A. C., Coast Artillery Corps.

C. O., Commanding Officer.

C. O. M. G., Companion Order St. Michael and St. George. (British)

D. S. O., Distinguished Service Order. (British)

D. Q. M. C., Emergency Quartermaster’s Corps.

E. O. T. C., Engineer Officers’ Training Camp.

E. O. T. S., Engineer Officers’ Training School.

F. A., Field Artillery.

Four-Minute-Men, Brief speakers at public gatherings.

J. G., Junior Grade.

M. C., Medical Corps.

M. D., Doctor of Medicine.

M. P. C., Military Police Corps.

M. R. C., Medical Reserve Corps.

N. A., National Army.

N. G., National Guard.

O. R. C., Ordnance Reserve Corps.

O. T. C., Officers Training Camp.

Q. M. C., Quartermaster’s Corps—Army or Marines.

Q. M. R. C., Quartermaster’s Reserve Corps.

S. C., Supply Corps, U. S. Navy—New term for old Pay Corps.

S. M. O., Senior Medical Officer—In British Navy.

S. P., Scout Patrol.

T., Temporary.

U. S. A., United States Army.

U. S. A. R. F., United States Army Reserve Force.

U. S. M. C., United States Marine Corps.

U. S. M. C. R. F., United States Marine Corps Reserve Force. U. S. N. A., United States National Army.

U. S. N. G., United States National Guard.

U. S. N. R. F., United States Naval Reserve Force.

Yeoman, An enlisted man occupying a clerical position; used in Navy.

Y. M. C. A., Young Men’s Christian Association.


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