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Name Index to
War Service of Members of Pennsylvania Society Sons of the revolution 1917-1919
Adams, Benjamin |
23 |
Althouse, John Wellington |
23 |
Armstrong, Harold Rodney |
9 |
Atherton, Dolph Bennett |
23 |
Atlee, Benjamin Champneys |
23 |
Return to top
Baird, Edgar Wright |
9 |
Baird, Oliver Hopkinson |
3 |
Baird, William |
9 |
Ballard, Warren Edgar |
23 |
Barnes, John Hampton |
23 |
Barratt, Norris Stanley Jr |
9 |
Beitler, Lewis Eugene |
23 |
Bell, Charles Edward |
9 |
Bell, William Hemphill |
20 |
Biddle, Clement |
3, 20 |
Bodine, Samuel Taylor |
23 |
Bonnaffon, Sylvester 3Rd |
9 |
Bradford, William |
9 |
Brice, Charles Frederick |
9 |
Brice, Phillip Howard |
23 |
Brodhead, Robert Packer |
23 |
Brooke, Benjamin Hayes |
20 |
Return to top
Cadwalader, Gouverneur |
10 |
Cadwalader, John |
23 |
Cadwalader, Richard Mccall Jr |
23 |
Cadwalader, Thomas |
10 |
Carpenter, Edmund Nelson |
23 |
Carpenter, Edward |
10 |
Cassatt, Robert Kelso |
10 |
Clapp, Algernon Roberts |
10 |
Clement, Charles Maxwell |
10 |
Clement, John Browning |
24 |
Clement, John Kay |
10 |
Colket, George Hamilton |
10 |
Cooke, William Cary |
24 |
Corson, Alan |
24 |
Croskey, John Welsh |
24 |
Crowell, Samuel Babcock |
24 |
Return to top
Darlington, Rt. Rev. James Henry |
24 |
Davidson, James Philemon |
24 |
Dechert, Robert |
10 |
Detwiller, Albert Knecht |
11 |
Detwiller, Frederick Knecht |
24 |
Duane, Russell |
24 |
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Eckard, Bayard Gelston |
24 |
Ehrenfeld, Charles Hatch |
24 |
Evans, Powell |
24 |
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Felton, Edgar Conway |
24 |
Fletcher, Gustavus Bergner |
25 |
Forbes, William Innes |
3, 11 |
Fornance, Joseph Knox |
11 |
Franklin, Clarence Payne |
11 |
Frazer, Reah |
20 |
Freeman, Clarence Patton |
11 |
Fretz, John Edgar |
11 |
Return to top
Gelder, Charles Cyrus |
25 |
Gerhard, Albert Pepper |
25 |
Gillingham, Harrold Edgar |
25 |
Gilmer, William Wirt |
20 |
Gleason, John Shriver |
12 |
Goddard, Ernest Claude |
12 |
Grayson, Charles Prevost |
12 |
Return to top
Hagenbach, Allen Wesley |
25 |
Haley, Edwin James |
25 |
Hall, Reynolds Thomas |
20 |
Hamill, Samuel Mcclintock |
25 |
Harmar, William Wurts |
20 |
Harrison, Charles Custis Jr |
25 |
Harrison, George Lieb Jr |
25 |
Harrison, Harry Yvaln |
12 |
Hatfield, Henry Reed |
25 |
Heitshu, William Augustus |
25 |
Henry, James Palmer |
20 |
Henwood, Walter Lincoln |
12 |
Herkness, Alfred Morris |
12 |
Herkness, Gilbert |
12 |
Herkness, Lindsay Coates |
12 |
Herkness, Malcolm |
12 |
Herkness, Sidney |
12 |
Herkness, Wayne |
13 |
Hickman, Clarence Barratt |
20 |
Holland, Rupert Sargent |
25 |
Hoopes, Edward |
13 |
Horne, Smith Hamill |
13 |
Hornor, William Macpherson |
25 |
Hubbell, Stewart Brooks |
13 |
Huidekoper, Thomas Wallis |
13 |
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Jackson, William Carleton |
26 |
Janney, Joseph Allison Jr |
26 |
Jarrett, Brooke Lessig |
13 |
Jessup, Joseph |
26 |
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Kendrick, Murdoch |
13 |
Kent, Henry Thomas |
13 |
Kinsey, John Ingham |
26 |
Knight, Bernardo Hoff |
14 |
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Laird, Herbert Russell |
26 |
Landis, John Fulton Reynolds |
14 |
Lathbury, Benjamin Brentnall |
14 |
Latta, Thomas Love |
26 |
Leidy, Joseph |
14 |
Leidy, Thomas Kemmerer |
26 |
Lewars, Thomas Belfield |
14 |
Lewis, David |
14 |
Lewis, Ellis Smyser |
26 |
Lindemuth, Elmer Ellsworth |
26 |
Linnard, George Brown |
26 |
Lippincott, Joseph Wharton |
20 |
Littlefield, Henry Warren |
26 |
Return to top
Marcy, Alexander Jr |
26 |
Markland, Matthew Beckwith |
26 |
Marston, John 3Rd |
20 |
Mayhew, Wallace Nelson |
26 |
Mccoy, Frank Ross, |
14 |
Medary, Milton Bennett Jr |
27 |
Mercur, Rodney Augustus |
27 |
Milne, Caleb Jones 3Rd |
15 |
Milne, David |
27 |
Miner, Asher |
15 |
Mirkil, Hazleton Jr |
21 |
Morgan, Fisher Corlies |
27 |
Morris, Effingham Buckley |
27 |
Mustin, John Burton |
15 |
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Nassau, Charles Francis |
15 |
Neff, Joseph Seal |
27 |
Nicholls, Joseph Klapp |
15 |
Nichols, Carroll Brewster |
27 |
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Parry, Oliver Randolph |
15 |
Patterson, Howard Ashman |
15 |
Peirce, Caleb Clarence |
15 |
Pepper, William |
16 |
Perkins, Edwin Stanley |
27 |
Perot, Robeson Lea |
16 |
Peters, Richard Jr |
27 |
Petty, Orlando H. |
21 |
Phelps, Ziba Bennett |
27 |
Porcher, Samuel |
27 |
Potter, Charles Adams, Jr |
16 |
Potter, William |
27 |
Price, Howard Campbell, |
16 |
Price, William G., Jr |
16 |
Prichett, Frederic Wilson |
16 |
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Quay, Andrew Gregg Curtin |
16 |
Quintard, Romeyn Berry |
17 |
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Ray, Chester Paul, Jr |
17 |
Ray, Lee Miller |
17 |
Richards, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg |
27 |
Riter, Michael Miller |
17 |
Roberts, Sidney Lewis |
17 |
Roberts, Thomas Williams |
28 |
Rosenfield, William Maxwell |
17 |
Ross, George Gorgas |
21 |
Runk, Louis Barcroft |
17 |
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Saunders, William Lawrence 2nd |
21 |
Schermerhorn, Clarence Eaton |
28 |
Schindel, Jeremiah Jacob |
28 |
Schnure, William Marion |
28 |
Schwartz, Walter Marshall |
17 |
Scott, William Reese |
18 |
Sellers, Edwin Jaquett |
28 |
Shannon, Charles Emery Gould |
18 |
Sharpless, John Robins |
28 |
Shelly, James Acuff |
18 |
Shepherd, George Elwood |
18 |
Sheppard, Howard Reynolds |
28 |
Shick, Robert Porter |
28 |
Shindel, Will Lincoln |
28 |
Shriver, George Howard |
28 |
Shull, Charles Jacob |
21 |
Shull, David Franklin |
28 |
Sill, Harold Montgomery |
28 |
Silvester, Clarence Clark |
28 |
Silvester, Learoyd |
28 |
Skilton, John Davis |
28 |
Skinner, Robert Wilkinson Jr |
29 |
Smith, Alexis Dupont |
18 |
Smith, Thomas Kilby |
29 |
Smith, Walter George |
29 |
Smyth, George Albert |
29 |
Snyder, George Duncan |
18 |
Snyder, John Milton |
29 |
Stager, Oscar Tyson |
29 |
Stahler, Horace Crawford |
18 |
Steinmetz, Joseph Allison |
3, 18 |
Stevenson, Markley |
21 |
Stine, Henry Moore |
18 |
Stockham, Edward Villeroy |
18 |
Stockhausen, Thomas George |
21 |
Stockton, Edward Alexander |
29 |
Stovell, Frederick Davant |
22 |
Swingle, William S |
29 |
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Tasker, Stephen Paschall Morris |
22 |
Thorington, James |
29 |
Turner, Daniel Norman |
19 |
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Urquhart, Radcliffe Morris |
19 |
Urquhart, William Klemm Beecher |
22 |
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Vaux, Richard |
19 |
Vedder, Edward Bright |
19 |
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Ward, Joseph Ripley Chandler |
19 |
Warren, Richard Fairfield |
22 |
Washburn, Louis Cope |
29 |
Weaver, Charles Henry |
19 |
Webber, Roy Irvin |
29 |
Wickersham, Louis C. T. T. O'Neill |
29 |
Wiener, Edward |
19 |
Williams, Francis Churchill |
19 |
Williams, John |
29 |
Williamson, Thomas Armstrong |
22 |
Wilson, Alan Dickson |
29 |
Wood, Clement Biddle |
19 |
Woods, Edward Augustus |
29 |
Worrell, Thomas Worcester |
29 |
Wurts, Edward Vanuxem |
29 |
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