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War Service of Members

OF Pennsylvania Society Sons of the Revolution 1917-1919

A digital representation of the original 1920 work.


It is to be understood in reading this report that nearly
all the officers included in it, except regulars, save a very few
who could not (be reached in order to find out their status,
have been demobilized at the present time, and that they
are members of the Pennsylvania Society of Sons of the Revolution.

The records of each officer and civilian, after careful scrutiny
by the Committee, have been briefly selected from such infor­
mation as was furnished by the members in question at the
request of the Secretary of the Society. In certain of these
records, however, the official data that was laid before us
appeared unnecessarily voluminous, and therefore seemed to
require curtailment in the judgment of those in charge of the
work, which was accordingly made. In other cases the furnished
information has proven altogether too fragmentary, particularly
in the miscellaneous division, thus leaving in the opinion of the Committee
an unsatisfactory chronicle of patriotic duty.

This report is divided into three parts, viz:—
1. Army.
2. Navy and Marine Corps.
3. Miscellaneous. (Civilian.)

It covers only the period from April, 1917, to December, 1919,
and is submitted to the Society with the hope that it will prove
a reliable and accurate record, so far as the Committee have
been able to make it, of our members’ devotion to their country
in the World War. It has been in preparation since April
last and is we believe fully brought up to date. Nevertheless
a report of errors or omissions, for a future edition, will be appre­
ciated by the Committee.

Submitted by Committee,

Clement Biddle
Commander, Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, retired.

Wm. Innes Forbes
Late Major, 309th Cavalry, U. S. A.

Joseph Allison Steinmetz
Major, U.S. Ordinance Reserve

Oliver Hopkinson Baird
Secretary of Committee.

Philadelphia, January, 1920.


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Keywords/Tags: Clement Biddle, William Innes Forbes, Joseph Allison Steinmetz, Oliver Hopkinson Baird, Sons of the Revolution Members, Pennsylvania